@Calum done! Fixe the ypvs, resuming.. All the worng and default moves from the servo was cable/potenciometer problem, if you dont have one to sustitute, try clean and try all the continuity for all the cables from the servo, i had 1 bad cable{Black White} and a dirty potenciometer. Now evrething works fine.
YPVS servo Rotates 270º -
YPVS servo Rotates 270ºUpdate¡! The servo is faulty, the cdi is ok, tried with another servo from another bike, but what gets faulty its the potenciometer, bahhh if you get one with the same specs Just need to weld it and done!
YPVS servo Rotates 270ºBtw its the white/red wire that delivers the voltage,
and today i will check evrething with another dtr from a friend,wish me luck!