@Calum no worries mate. I would take a cad file if you wouldn’t mind sharing will likely send them off to a local machinist. I have a 3d printer as well so could try the cad file on there!

The Hermes Project (Cagiva Raptor 125) -
The Hermes Project (Cagiva Raptor 125)Hello mate. Sorry for the radio silence, my project has been on pause the last few months due to other commitments. I’m defo still open to paying for a set of bobbin spacers if you are still up for it?
The Hermes Project (Cagiva Raptor 125)Just wondering if you would be willing to knock up another set of the paddock stand spacers for some ££? I have made something similar on AutoCAD but those are 3D printed with carbon fibre reinforced PETG, but metal would be ideal for peace of mind!!
The Hermes Project (Cagiva Raptor 125)Looks like a fun little upgrade! Even better pickup in midrange that would make these little bikes even better
The Hermes Project (Cagiva Raptor 125)Cheers mate will post a thread up myself! maybe a similar style rebuild thread...
The Hermes Project (Cagiva Raptor 125)@Calum Hi mate. Great little bike you have here... I just picked up a 2006 Raptor 125 from a friend of mine for a steal which is in great condition to be fair but it will be my winter project for a full nut and bolt rebuild! Just wondering if you would be able to answer a few questions if you have the time??