DT125R pannier rack ...
@garveypeter If you load up one side of the bike, will that not upset the balance of the machine.
I've never ridden wit paniers.
Typically you see them on BMWs etc and they are on both sides.
Presumably you evenly weight them. Plus I'd imagine the BMWs are a little heavier so it wouldn't make as much a difference as it would on a lighter bike like the DTR.
Load up one side ? These are the smallest panniers made @21L ans i’m not loading up anything. A loaf of bread, a L of milk, a pair of leggings.
You’re missing the point. I have a big touring buke with full luggage a BMW R1200RT. But that’s for long distance touring. This DT is on the back of a camper, for day trips, a couple of hours spent on those wee roads that are too narrow for the camper. It’s not for any sort of touring, or great weight or the likes. -
@garveypeter Ah ryt okay.
It just looks larger in the photo.
I typically just use a rucksack for my bits and bobs.
Back in July I ended up putting my Toyota Starlet crankshaft in my rucksack to whip over to the engineering firm for a regrind. That weighed a tonne