Frame has been repaired by my Dad all welded up and he's managed to paint it for me as well.
So this has been a big help and will at least allow me to throw the bike back together.
He has gone to extensive efforts on this well, as well as welding the frame, he has purged the frame of any remaining acid that was left in by the previous powdercoaters.
Followed by then filling the frame with Waxoyl to ensure that it doesn't happen again.
By no means a perfect job, the bike was never intended to be concourse (hell my DT is looking worse for wear now having been refurbished nearly 10 years ago).
But overall he's put a lot of work in for me and I'll be glad to have it back and rebuilt.
Hopefully get this back next month and then start reassembling it 😃
Also took delivery of the Gianelli (Now Arrow) end can to compliment the expansion chamber.