Stock Gutted downpipe
Hi guys
I’ve got a dep pipe atm but not a fan of them never have been really, my mate had a oem dt downpipe and gutted it and it sounded so nice and would fly past the others with dep pipe
What do you like best? I think the original pipe is much bigger than the dep it looks tiny next to OEM, so I think when it’s been de restricted be miles better imo and they sound nicer than dep
DEP’s are single skinned (&real thin metal) pipes that are made cheap and sold at a premium because the dtr exhaust market is 20 years dead, so competition’s non existent! IMO that is. You can get a hand made stainless steel pipe for the same price that will last the life of the bike, but you have to really search for it…
I don’t understand what you mean by gutting the standard expansion chamber? I didn’t know that they were baffled in any way inside? I know that some of them had an air pipe fitted to allow clean air into the downpipe, but I thought that was to cheat the emissions at the time of manufacture? not a restriction?
I never had a standard expansion chamber for my dtr, but I do for my tzr. It is double skinned to keep noise down (which I actually like!) It may weigh a ton but the quality and finish are the bogs dollox in my opinion…
Only stainless steel is better…Edit: Yeah, not a fan of DEP’s myself…
The 3MB code exhausts up to 1996 I think it was are just hollow with a restrictor in the neck of the exhaust which dremel the 3 tac welds out and it pulls out, as for the gutting part, that’s on like 2003+ bikes as inside they have like this mess packing, take that out and they go really well and nice and loud I love loud bikes
All my mates got road legal mx bikes and 40bhp 125s they do 60 hours on a piston and I’ve still got 9k miles left to do
but got to admit they love to wheelie as got all that power and light as a feather
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