Jetting, not the usual.
Just curious what everyone’s jetting is at, I’m on standard jets but has a different front pipe and due to the bike I cannot use an airbox.
I’m thinking I need to upjet quite a bit, revs seem to hang on deceleration and there’s a fairly sizeable bog off idle, and the bike seems to have absolutely no overrun what so ever, falls on its face quite early in the Rev Range.  )I’ve not even touched the carb yet to have a play with idle air mixture or needle position.Just curious as to people’s starting points really.
@Bodylad I’m running 220 main jet 27.5 pilot jet and standard needle position. This is with full dep system, v force reeds & re-bored to the limit of the standard cylinder. Runs very well. Probably a tad rich. Just waiting on my zeeltronic system to arrive next.
If your experiencing revs not dropping like ‘normal’, I would say your pilot jet could be either blocking up or too small.
Also I tried running airbox without the snorkel but couldn’t feel any benefits when adjusted. I find the standard airbox setup perfect.
Hope this helps