Derbi GPR 17" wheels
Picked them up today and going to get them resprayed when I get the frame, swing arm and handlebars powder coated next year, so until then I'm on stocks. Has anyone got any experience with these wheels and how they'd fit, they came off a 93 DT but the guy was a bit vague when I asked how to fit them but he did say they transformed the bike.
Any help greatly received.
Should be the same throughout the years. You got a link to a photo?
@JonathanLuca the later ones look very similar to mine which took a lot of work to do right
@Calum Hi mate, here is a link to the same wheels, was hoping it would be relatively straightforward.
They look very similar to mine.
Quite a lot of work you will want to do to tjose. Firstly you must reallign the front and rear wheels so that they are perfectly centerer. For me that required machining back the rear brake carrier since the wheel is a lot wider. Then you need to machine a bracket to get the brake on sufficiently.
After that has been done you will ensure the front and rear sprockets are allign. Else you will just munch through both gearbox bearings are sprocket carrier bearings
@Calum bloody hell sounds like it's going to be a pain, me being the optimist was hoping for a simple fit. Picked the wheels up for £40 with tyres so if nothing comes of it, I'm not terribly out of pocket. Cheers for all the info mate, I'll let you know how I get on!
Was quite a bit of work for me. But I gor my wheels off an aprilia rs125