Hmm, not sure what happened here. Looks like the server crashed. Back up and running now.
For the future Calum, is it possible whilst you are at work/out to remotely reboot the server in any way?
@calum if it happens again I'd be happy to help you troubleshoot, I fix webservers every day for a living.
God knows I owe you one after all the help you've given me with my DT.
@Uber_Beluga Another web head on here, nice!
@MIGHTYMAN said in Outage:
@Uber_Beluga Another web head on here, nice!
Same Here, Network Engineer for a living.
Haha nice one lads!
I will be alright bud, this is what I specialise in, I just work long hours so I am not about to see it or fix it.
The problem lies with the crappy Virgin media superhub. It just falls over, probably cause we are all hammering my 2Mb upload lmao!
Alas I will have to go business line lmao
Again just updating the forum software and box.
All done now
these mega smileys are pretty funny! https://i.gyazo.com/c4446bfc2e7f126f16cebc53bfb8d58c.png
Wrong smilies selected lmao