New panels aren't that expensive, you'd amazed at what a fresh set will do to the look of the bike.
Just because it's orange and black, it shouldn't put you off sorting it out.
Im located in south yorkshire declan, as for the plastics where they havent sprayed underneath ,they look pretty good you can see they were all black before.
Been looking on the internet for plastics but all i can find is used ones or the odd panel new ,I did come across a guy in portugal that sells full sets for £130. -
@stobbsie well if you planning on re using the plastics without re painting sand paper is a no go but if you want the paint off to re paint sand paper all the way then use light sand paper to rough the surface up then run a cloth of running alcohol or paint thinner as I use just to clean it
£110 is cheap indeed for a full set of plastics.
You have to put the whole thing into perspective.
It's going to cost money to get another bike, plus sell the one you got, plus sort out any niggles with the new bike.
Where you could have just sorted out the old bike. If it's just the plastics then that's really not that bad going.
I wrapped a few panels on my bike that were damaged and I couldn't be bothered to buy.
Done right it can be really cost effective and look pretty good.
For the sake of £30, get some black wrap and wrap the plastics. Then buy a set of graphics to stick over the top.
Really cheap way to get the bike looking sweet.
@declan DTR is an appreciating classic.
Seriously, these bikes will only go up in value and parts WILL dry up eventually.
Keeping the bike in tip top condition will pay dividends, even more so if yours was cheap to begin with
Are these genuine parts for a yamaha as this seems really really cheap