Spark plug
I have just pulled the plug and it’s balck and oily, I take it it’s running rich. How do you adjust the mixer ? Or is there something else that needs doing -
@shaunp1912 Hi, it's always advisable to say hello and introduce yourself if your new to the forum. There's a screw on the side of the carb to adjust the mixture, but I would strongly suggest you check the manuals before tinkering. Plus you have not stated which bike version you have. We're happy to help but are not mind readers, please provide more details and better yet photos of your bike. A Haynes manual is a must have and can be easily found on ebay and service manuals can be downloaded from here;
Sorry not had the bike long it’s a 1990 125 dtr Swiss import. Have tried to up load some photos but no joy.
Looks like it has not been touched for years. Got a new plug air filter exhaust tyres. Changed the oil and it runs ok very quick up to 60 then dies a death -
@shaunp1912 As in the engine cuts out at 60mph or it just tops out and won't go any faster???
Just tops out, and won’t pull, did have issues when I 1st got it the battery was shot and the power valve didn’t move. But fitted new battery and was a lot better, but worried at the condition of the plug
@shaunp1912 It sounds like the bike is being restricted, see here on how to remove those restrictions;
Cannot see a mixture screw
@shaunp1912 It's the big phillips screw in the center of that picture.
@shaunp1912 Oh and BTW see this also;
I thought that was the idle screw. Oh well every days a school day
Cheers -
@shaunp1912 There's lots of info on here, please use the search engine;
See here dude;