YPVS servo Rotates 270º
Hi guys,cheers from Portugal,i Have a small(big) Problem,here it is! When I do key on , the motor rotates anticlockwise(dont do the clean test and stops at the 90° position (270° anticlockwise from top position) and shudders briefly in this position and just stops. Is this normal? With the cables on, the motor still only tries to turn anticlockwise making the right hand cable go tight and the left one slack, sometimes causing the left hand cable to pop off out of motor pulley. When the right cable goes tight the motor stops, then tries to turn anticlockwise again then just stops in this position.
https://youtu.be/WuTAP7niG1o the same as mine.
@Calum i dont think so
you said that,not him,
CalumCalum 8 Jun 2019, 14:38
I had this when my CDI went faulty.Jgb19830 13 Jun 2019, 20:56
@Calum disconnected the power for 30 seconds then reconnected... Think that's sorted it https://youtu.be/HNQbJ4AxNEUgonna try that,but i dont think so hah
yep full charged,i talked with a japonese guy that opens cdi and servos eletronics etc, he told me might be the potenciometer from the servo, if its broken the resistor( of potenciometer) the cdi send the right voltage but the potenciometer dont "translate" and the servo rotor dont know his right possition,Sems legit. Gona check it with the multimeter , it needs to make 0.93V to 2.37V !
@Calum done! Fixe the ypvs, resuming.. All the worng and default moves from the servo was cable/potenciometer problem, if you dont have one to sustitute, try clean and try all the continuity for all the cables from the servo, i had 1 bad cable{Black White} and a dirty potenciometer. Now evrething works fine.