Yam part numbers same part different colours for different bikes
Think I'm making headway with the chain rollers the oem replacement is 30x-22178-00, but I've seen a picture somewhere in the depths of Google with three what look the same but a black, redish brown and the 30x weird beige one. The black one says 10v-22178-00 on the yam part bag but I can't rely on Google, I'm trying to find out if they are the same size as fowlers have both in stock and want the black ones any one got any idea if there the same or the dimensions of the std or any aftermarket ones the same size?
Link to picture is above, I know they look the same, the 10v-221178-00 comes up for a dt 80 I know some parts obviously fit different models but on the listings for the dt 30x-221178-00 ones they also list fits xt ttr etc why so just a bit worried the 10v is slightly different or that picture is unreliable. Thanks for any help
@rking7888 Sorry wrong link