Runs with choke
What does ‘have the air box closed off a fair bit’ mean? It works ok?…
Try to post a video, or get someone on the phone to hear the ‘revs hang’ just to see how much of an issue it is. Are you trying to fix a fault or balance your ‘tuning mods?…
Put things back to standard to fix faults. Then when they are fixed go ahead with tuning, or modding. Otherwise it’ll just exasperate the problem…
The slight bit of up and down movement to the needle makes no difference to the carb. It’s not a problem. They’re all like it…
There should be one either side of the clip…
Where did you land with your throttle valve cutaway? Itll be stamped on it somewhere obscure. A wrong size slide could cause issues (in my experiences)…
Another thing, try oiling your throttle cable. It’s a PITA but worth the effort. My throttle used to take time to settle, or hang at 1000+ rpm. Basically had a mind of its own. Putting 3 in 1 through it made an unbelievable difference to the bike…
I’ve sorted the bike now, I’ve got some videos,
Trouble with a bike that been “molested” so what I did with airbox was cut a sheet of thin metal and tiger sealed it onto the top of the cut airbox then marked out snorkel hole size cut that out and tiger sealed that on, so it’s got the correct amount of air now, and jetting wise it’s on 27.5 pilot and 210 main, (I’ll have to do some plug chops) but airscrew all the way in so putting a 30 in and that will be sorted, I’ve even took it for a ride and it goes very well no more hanging revs and can snap the throttle from idle to all the way open and no hesitation, jet seems big but that’s what it is it runs lovely.The only reason I asked about the washer below the needle as mine didn’t come with any but I’ve bought some 0.5mm thick rivet washers that fit lovely in there I just wanted to know the original thickness of the one on the bottom so I can match it with these as without washer on the bottom it puts the needle even further down
@OllieDTR Cool that makes it a 3RM02
Same as mine…Have you actually tried it with a.25 & a 240 main jet? It really shouldn’t need a bigger pilot and airscrew all in. Something is wrong there bud…
Have you tried spraying cleaner through the air screws ‘airway’? Could very well be blocked if it’s having no affect. I’ve found a chewed up o-ring under my airscrew before
Leak down test on the airscrew airway? Just take the airscrew out, block off the air hole inside the carbs inlet mouth and blow through the hole the airscrew goes in…
Sorry to keep on bud, it’s just I had pilot jet issues that caused my head gasket to blow every 7-8 hundred miles. It can have knock on affects. I can’t help thinking that you’re treating the symptoms, not the underlying problem.
But hey! Not my bike…
I’ll give it a go mate cheers, just sorting the wiring out at the moment, trying to wire in the polisport headlight but it’s not having none of it so might have to get someone in that does electrics for a living and look at it, want to get riding before summer goes so rather Chuck money at it and get it done asap than save a few £