Hi guys,
Well, it seems everytime I solve an issue with my DT, along comes another. I just replaced the piston because I struggled with piston slap - turned out to be the piston fitted when the barrel was rebored was too small - while I was at it, I fitted another 3MB head a had laying around in mint condition, moved the thermostat and housing over etc. Fired the bike up, sounds great, no weird noises anymore - however, when filling the cooling system I discovered that somehow the pressure in the system is way too high - with the cap off the radiator at squirts a large amount of coolant right out, everytime I give it some throttle, this happens from cold start and continues when the engine is hot, if I fit the radiator cap it just comes out from the coolant resorvoir instead.
Any ideas why this happens? Only thing I can think off is a bad bottom or head gasket, but this seems unlikely as it would have to be very leaky to make this kind of issue, and I was very thorough as always.