Thanks mate but does that go for my oil as well? Wasn’t sure if it has to be a certain type.. 500ml seemed to much but I take it that’s the right amount, And are those instructions correct for a super moto?

Fork oil capacity? -
Fork oil capacity?I’m replacing the fork seals on my 2005 Yamaha dtre 125. I have: Valvoline Synpower Fork Oil 10W 1 Litre fully synthetic and Valvoline Synpower Fork Oil 15W 1 Litre fully synthetic. How much do I put in each fork leg and how much do I mix together for stiffer forks?
Yamaha dtre 125cc 2006 help@Sergioo I still have this problem.. the restriction wire has already been earthed so it can't be that. The bikes runs fine till 2nd gear about to hit the powerband half way through then sounds like it's choking. I have checked for air leaks and don't have any. changed carb plus reeds so can't be that either! Please help I'm running out of ideas and it's bugging me
Yamaha dtre 125cc 2006 help@Calum I found the connector block and the wire has already been cut! I follow where it has been reconnected and for some reasonit's been connected up to the black cable on the headlight??
Yamaha dtre 125cc 2006 help@Calum Sorry I didn't realize! Thank you for the help seems like you have solved my problem, will do exactly what you have said tomorrow, will keep posted on this forum on how it goes and if the issue has been solved or still continues! Many thanks!!
Yamaha dtre 125cc 2006 help@Calum Thank you for the quick response! Do I simply connect the wires or?
Yamaha dtre 125cc 2006 help@finnerz89 that's exactly what it seems like. I will have a search about it now and try tomorrow, will keep posted on how it goes, Thanks!
Yamaha dtre 125cc 2006 helpBrought a Yamaha dtre 125cc 2006 about a month ago only just got it Mot'd and back on-road. I have been warming it up every other day since I got it till now and it idles fine. Now being able to take it out properly It felt like it had no powerband at all. the DT would only get to 50mph in 5th gear sounding like it wanted to go more but wouldn't, it was screaming louder while giving no more power.
The cables were connected to the servo plus it was lined up with the whole and the servo was definitely going back and forth when switching the ignition on/off so I'm confused what's wrong with it. I unplugged the servo and disconnected the cables so I didn't damage the servo while I pinned open the powervalve to see what my result was. Now the bikes goes a lot better, obviously barley bottom end power but starts to kick in at high rpm and happily goes to 50mph in 4th! but when half way through the powerband and it goes to high rpm into any gear it seems to kinda miss fire like something is restricting to go faster, I change gear then pick up more speed about to hit the band once getting into it starts cutting again, doesn't bog out or completely die just doesn't seem to want me to go faster? Cleaned the carb and changed the plug but no difference
Any help would be much appreciated.bolded text