@HOTSHOT-III thanks mate you were write , feel like such an arse currently there's was around 10 years of crud in the emulsion tube. I overthinked like mad feels a bit silly hahaha. She's is running a real treat took awhile to get the tube out not sure its even been out before

Head scratcher -
Head scratcherThanks for all the input and advice. I'll try it all
. I hope so too @SpookDog. Thanks for all the help again really appreciate it
Head scratcherThanks again lads. Yeah I'm definitely going to get the zeeltronic in the future maybe this a sign to get it now
Head scratcherChrist, I thought it was just a big brass tube since there was no easy looking way to get it out. Feel a bit silly now ahah.
Wheels and Suspension -
Head scratcherHope this image works, just found this could be an issue?
link text -
Head scratcherIf it helps @SpookDog my CDI is marked 5AN 72P
Head scratcherI've cleaned all the jets, but was wondering the emulsion tube refers to the press put large jet, that the main jet screws into, does that have some small holes going up the sides, I've only ever sprayed it with compressed air I've never removed it perhaps they may be blocked if they are present. I reconnected the wire yesterday and it made zero difference, I'll have a look to see if I have that read bulb. Thanks again @SpookDog
Head scratcherInteresting, I've got it running leaner now and it's a a fraction better but still doesnt rev under load.
What do you mean by rev limiter read bulbs? I'll do a bit more Inspecting today.
Thanks for all the help. It's greatly appreciated. -
Head scratcher*all the wires seem okay on a visual inspection
Head scratcherI've rebuilt the top end, checked the ring gap all perfect new gudgeon pin and bearing too, it's running a brand new genuine yamaha coil right now. Is their any way of checking for a break with multimeter all the wires. Spark is perfect, but plug always comes out a little oily and black
Head scratcherIt's so weird to me, it will rev up just fine at neutral. It struggles in first and then gradually gets worse and worse as more load gets put on the engine
Head scratcherTried that too, reconnected it no difference. I'm leaning towards to cranks seals being gone?
Head scratcherWhat sort of wiring issue could it be? My power valve is opening all the way when running. Took if for a drive with the cover off and downshifting to get it up to around 8000 and valve opened all the way. Could their be and ignition timing issue?
Head scratcherYeah I know, I thought they might be bad. I'll check my valve tomorrow. Is there anyway to check the seals.
Head scratcherYeah thats the next thing on my list to do. See I've done a few modifications, it's got a derestricted exhaust and a the 3MB head, but up until last week its been perfect with heaps of power with the desresrict wire grounded. It started gradually coughing for a few rides then all of a sudden I started it one morning and it wouldn't rev about 7000
Head scratcherHello again, the last week my bikes been wrecking my head it's a 1998 TDR125 and it refuses to rev above 6500. I've changed my needle height to lean and to rich no change. Don't think it's powevalve related as you can see it open fully if you rev it up in neutral. I'm a bit at a loss I've double checked everything, had low compression so changed rings and the end gap was all perfect, new airfilter. Adjusted valve and needle height. Not sure what else to check.
It's also acts odd. if your in first and you rev it up to 7000 and then slip the clutch holding it at 7000 it goes off like a rocket. But the minute you change into second it dies out and won't go any higher than 7000!
Anyone get any ideas? It's as if my powerband has ran way -
Wheels and SuspensionAh ill try and get the image tomorrow!
Wheels and Suspension
dunno if this will work, The picture doesn't really do justice to how tall, was thinking of putting XT600 front forks on then it would be a beast, sadly i've got the alloy rims so @SpookDog that wouldn't work for me. -
Wheels and SuspensionI used to flat foot it easily at 6ft 1 with knee bend, now I'm on my tippy toes on it