4bl cdi
Hi ive got a 4bl engine i am wondering if anyone has a 4bl cdi for sale or which cdi i can use are they inter changeable?
Which is the 4bl engine again? Is that DTX/DTRE? I'm fitting an Ignitech to mine shortly so got a good cdi off an 04 which might be up for selling
@Glynn123 I think it’s older like a 98 not electric start , what are the numbers on yours?
@matthewmcm2002 Should not be an issue running any cdi on any dtr engibe, with the exception of the powervalve controller being separated on older cdis
@Calum so I could use the 3nc-00 on my 4bl engine ?
@matthewmcm2002 I don't know the codes, but the engines are all the same.