Coolant overflowtank
Why my coolant overflow tank keeps emptying itself to low reservoir cap leaking? Headgasget?
Yes, usually an indication of head gasket OR some people get this when the radiator cap fails.
So if the spring pressure is too weak.
the radiator is bone dry but the overflow tank is wet. but no bubbles and i noticed thermostat housing hose leaking on head so fix that so the i see.
Hhmm, so the pressure will leak from the weakest point.
Is there any oil residue in the coolant system? That'll be the biggest give away.
I always default to head gasket, but have been proven wrong on many occasion. So check the radiator cap/
The coolant tank has littlebit but my waterpump seal leaked.
Okay, well the radiator cap is the easiest/cheapest thing to replace so best to start there.
ill test it when i have time with haynes manual