my bike has new cdi new coil new crank seal and crank collar battery plugs but its doing this https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Hak5CacjJA0 i have put link in for video its starting only when i have choke on will idel for a while and put throttel on it was re jetted by a shop and the carb is spot on could this be a bad stator ..i dropped the bike a while back on the left side in the rain rode it home next day it started doing this..we took it off other week to look for any damage put it back on bike wroked agin for 4 days i didnt run it outside but was starting fine then now its doing same thing agin..has anyone els had this problem
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I’ve got a manifold that’s the same, little triangular wedge out of it. You’re right, It’s not a problem…
Have you had your carb apart and cleaned it since it started running bad? I was having similar running problems the last time you posted. I had water droplets in the bowl as well as micro fibres from the old fuel filter ‘paper’ breaking down.
You may well of shook up water and crap from the bottom of the tank when you flopped it. I also had similar problems with bogging (but not dieing completely, I was riding) when crap migrated to the main jet…
I got a magnifying glass and looked into the pilot jet and saw it was partially blocked. It was running the same as your last post, popping on the overrun.
It could well be crap has migrated to your main jet…What’s the inside of the tank like?…
What year bike is it? Is it numbers matching? Do you have an electrical wire running from the clutch lever?…
First three number and letters of the engine and frame?…