Emergency first aid to an DT 125 LC (34Y) 1984
This bike have been standing under a tree for a abt 19 years... It was left there cause it didnt' run anymore... It belongs to my girlfriends brother... Yesterday I decided to do something for that and asked promise to take the carb away and clean it up... Defenetly it will need some attention... I was supprised how good it have last so far... Even the rims have no rust at all... Hopefully we will be able to fix this so, that it will give us some fun and pleasure in summer cottage...
First step is to clean the carb... Saddly I didn't try to kik, and see, if there will be spark or does the engine even turn around... But let's see that later...
One of my dt carbs were like that,the best thing to remove it from all the delicate passage ways was acetone,soak it in a container with a lid because it's very flammable and the fumes creep until they find an ignition sorce
I manage to get it clean! First I sank it into a diesel for a 24h... did not help much... Then few hours in detergent... Not much help... Then I gave it a ultrasonic bath, the result was better, but there were still some green stuff left... Then I bought some carburetor cleaner and spray that and the green stuff melt away... Last cleaning with brake cleaner... Now the carb is back in one peace... after a week, I we'll see if it works, or is there something else broken...