Mikuni tm28ss 1989 dt125r
This forum is really bugging out on my phone, i clicked the emoji button and it posted!
Yeah the koso i have the float bowl and the venturi are level, where as the tm28ss has angled to keep bowl level.
Ive seen that some people are using wr200 manifold but i can only find some available in Australia!
If i were to get a fabricator to make a spacer for between the manifold and reeds in a wedge shape to picl up some of the angle what do you think?
With the carb above...
Im suggesting a machined billet block but on an angle to try and level put carb(red in the image)
To go between reed valve and inlet maifold (green)
Sorry for poor image but done it on my phone ! -
Carb issue..... https://imgur.com/gallery/C3CdhiF
The file above shows images of my carb.... note the angle of the inlet outlet compared with the original image further up showing it being flush with the float bowl.
My worry is flooding issues.... odd idles etc....
My question was can i run the level carb as the float bowl will be angled...
The angle of my original keeping the float bowl level....Any light would be appreciated
Ah ryt, yeah that carb looks gash lol. Why you want to use that for?
I see what you're saying, can't say I've had any experience with those.
Obviously the float should stop the fuel from leaking out, you can adjust the float height to shut off at the appropriate time.
I'd worry more about it shutting off too early and running bike lean.