Max revs ?
Hi I’m thinking about getting a zeeltronic soon and I know they are capable of revving to 20,000rpm I’m just wondering what these dt engines like to rev to ? (Safe to rev to )
You will throw a rod at that rpm. The engine would have to be blue printed to sustain that sort of abuse.
@Calum no no I’m not saying Rev it to that I understand that I was saying the cdis can do that I’m asking what kind of rpms yous Rev your engines to
@matthewmcm2002 I think once derestricted the max RPM is 11-12k, but that's also dependent on other mods/upgrades too.
Yes Zeel claim to support 20K RPM.
I figured that since you mentioned that, that you were wondering what would be needed.
I'd expect, Zeel and custom coils. I just can't see the stock coil providing sufficient voltage to maintain that sort of rpm