Weird clutch problem
Well I've had another look and no joy it's vanished I even took the shaft thingy off and had a look through it and behind it and nothing and it 100% didn't fall out on disassembly that I'm sure of
. Is it possible this bearing could somehow fall through the crankcase and into the bottom end? I don't know if I should split the case and have a look as id hate to reinstall everything and run the bike only for this bearing to be inside waiting to cause mega damage .
@Calum hmm it's a mystery then lol I guess I'll just rebuild the clutch with the new parts and see how it goes then! This particular engine has never been split whilst I've had it so I guess I can rule out the bearing being in the bottom end then , I just wasn't sure if there was any hidden spaces or anywhere it could fall down into.
So I've ran into a new problem it appears the small bearing that I couldn't locate is actually stuck in the shaft with another part of the clutch push rod!! I've no idea how I never seen this yesterday but now I'm left with a situation where I can't get the bearing and the other piece of rod out that's behind it . I've tried tapping the side of the case with a soft mallet with no joy then tried using a magnet and tapping again with no luck.. anyone any ideas on how to release this or will I now have to split the case? It appears to me the rod and bearing that's being used has been made by the previous owner or from another bike it's nothing like the spare engines clutch push rod/bearing set up
this is more like clutch push rod,bearing,smaller cut piece of a clutch push rod and then the rod that goes through the centre of the basket it's strange .
@Biker_123 Quite possible.
Have you tried magnitisng the other side of the push rod in an attempt to tease it out?
The only thing I can suggest is compressed air down the clutch arm actuator in an attempt to force it out.
Otherwise it's case split to get it out.
Do you need to remove it? Is there no adjustment left in the clutch?
@Calum I've not tried magnetising it from the other side yet but I'll try tomorrow and I'll give the compressed air a try in a last ditch attempt to remove it before splitting the case. There no tension on the clutch perch thingy at all even when I'm moving it by hand there's no resistance it's not engaging the clutch rod that's stuck inside either no idea what's going on inside the shaft I'm thinking the rods possibly bent somehow or its welded itself to the inside
@MIGHTYMAN I tried that but no luck, I put some more oil down earlier so I'm hoping it'll loosen the rod over night. Such a pain it's as if the rod has been cut in half with the other half stuck in there! The piece I got out is roughly half the length of the one in the spare engine lol I'll never understand why people do this crap to bikes I'd rather fit the correct parts instead of just trying to get it to work the last owner needs a good slap for this
@Biker_123 So the actual rod should be adjustable on the clutch basket. If you adjust that to the maximum and still no joy then go ahead and put a ballbearing down there to see if that gives you the extra length you need.
Seems a bit extreme splitting the cases just to get the clutch to disengage.
If you push a rod down against the bearing (or whatever is in the shaft) and then move the clutch arm does it move in and out like it's supposed to or is it stuck solid?
If it is stuck solid you will probably have to completely strip to punch the broken bits out.
If you can get a bit of movement in it I would try wd40 or any solvent in the hole and keep moving it to see if you can get it to fall out.
I don't know how the clutch arm is held in but presumably if you removed it you could feed a wire in and push the rod out. -
@Raydt If I put the piece of rod I took out back in and move the clutch perch there's definitely some movement I can feel the remaining broken piece move against it! I've pretty much tried everything to get the stuck piece out along with the bairing which looks mushroom shaped but it's not for moving. I've tried magnets, tapping it with a soft faced mallet and using magnets at the same time,oil etc no idea what else I can do really other than half the thing in 2 which is just annoying as the engine was running spot on until this happened... Just wish there was another way to get this rod out
@Calum I would do that if it where possible. The problem is the last person who worked on the engine has made a mess of the clutch instead of it consisting of a clutch push rod followed by a bearing they have used x2 smaller rods and multiple small bearings that are now stuck inside the rod shaft! The reason for me needing to get the last piece of the rod and bearings out is that it's collapsed in on itself so was no longer able to reach the pressure plate so couldn't be adjusted either way, I believe the last piece of rod in the shaft is bent or the bearings that are left in there are preventing it from coming out.I'am not very good at explaining these things lol hopefully you understand
How does the clutch arm come out, if you can get the clutch arm out without stripping the box then possibly you could push a piece of wire down the clutch shaft hole and maybe push out the broken bits, I wouldn't use oil in the shaft, I would use a solvent to try and wash out any small bits.
If you still cannot get the broken bits out then it's rebuild time. -
@Raydt It literally just lifts out when you unclip the spring at the top but I've had success and managed to remove the broken piece and bearings without splitting the cases so it's all repaired now and I put in a new push rod and bearing and brand new clutch plate kit.