Homemade expansion chamber
Im starting my computer as im writing this to upload the pictures if i manage to do it
In all honesty it was pretty easy, and it doesnt demand thaaat much skill, or it does if u want an absolutely flawless pipe but for one that looks pretty good and makes difference minimal skill is required, the most importsnt skill to have for making ur own pipe is patience and even more patience, spending loads of time trying to get good cone shapes that fit with the next cones etc, or laying down good welds that penetrate but doesnt make a mess on the inside etc, it takes a long time but it isnt as challengine as people make it out to be, and i say this with never have touched a welder or done any kind of fabrications before, just a dream and goal in mind and lots of patience gets u there
This is my first attempt at uploading pictures so i hope it goes well
I couldnt find how you get the pictures onto the thread but heres a link to imgur where theyre uploaded in the right order, first picture is the software i used to design it and all the dimensions i used, there might be something wrong in there and if it is pleaes tell me.
I cut all the plat cones out with an angle grinder and went around the edges with a flap disk to smooth all the jagged edges down, a hand held sheet metal cutter could also probably work fine, i found it a little tough to get through the 0.9mm thick mild steel with it though, and it also leaves a curled up edge were you make the cut, it could just be hit with a rubber mallet and it would be fixed but the grinder went faster
The welds are by no mean even close to perfect, but after you grind it all down it looks okay
All in all i spent around 2 months making it, though i had school during the day and some days i didnt feel like going out in the garage, but maybe around 20-30 hours for me, might take longer for someone that has no idea what they are doing and someone really skilled with a welder might do it in under 20, but its not a short project and u gotta have loads of patience but when u see the end result and ride the bike and feel the increased power every second of it was worth it in my opinion, it was also honestly a really fun project, a fun thing to try over the summer break or while stuck in lockdown
This is the software i used
http://birdcagesoft.com/I dont know if its perfect, probably not as good as a paid software, but its still all the same principles when making a twostroke pipe, or it depends what formula u use, theres newer ones and more outdated ones but u can make a pipe with any of them that atleast makes a difference and is better than the original pipe
There is one software to stay away from though and it is the build and click exhaust wizard software, it costs around 20£ and is a complete waste of money, atleast to me, the diameters they gave me seemed ridicoulus, the widest section should be 7cm according to theyre program and it just didnt seem right to me so i just stuck with the free 2texcalc software and sucked up the fact that i paid 20 quid for a shit software
You can also find the FOS formula online which is a different way of designing and making them
Theres also a spreadsheet thats fairly good but for that one you need to know the area of you port which i didnt have by the time of that software and i still dont have it
I couldnt find a link to the download page of the program but its in the description of this youtube video, he goes through the excel sheet and what u need etc to make it all work. -
First I want to give immense thanks for this thread! What was an opaque mystery fast became clear when I learned about 2T Exhaust Calc.
Are there any default (stock) engine data online to be found somewhere, or do I need to disassemble my engine and do all the measurements myself..?