Hello forum, I'm new here, I would appreciate the help.
@Calum That's right, I already tried with and without a snorkel. without it works better in wot, although it still needed a little more, that's why I tried removing the yeis that is screwed to the frame. If we look at the problem with the naked eye it would suggest that I have a main jet that is too rich, however I checked its sizes including the pilot and they are fine, they correspond to the DTR model.
@Calum Now that I look at it I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but I have a four-wire connector disconnected near the water tank in the back, apart from the one for the lights and indicators. I read that it is for the neutral relay but it doesn't have it, I have to attach a cable or something. Could it have something to do with that?
I agree @Calum , I will let you know if there is any news. Did you see the message above about the neutral relay?