Imgur Image Hosting Talk
@andrewj1680 I literally don't know where they're making their money from.
It's only a matter of time.
Worst case scenario, worst case, I will have to only enable image uploads to some sort of premium member. That way I could afford a dedicated image file server that's not located on my limited internet.
@cyber-ninja Where. Where is there an advert on that page.
I do have adblock plus on here.
@CYBER-NINJA @andrewj1680
I moved our conversation out of Andrews build thread. I've cleaned up the thread to keep it on topic. Sorry bud.
Don't want to clutter up your build.
@declan They don't actually come off my server.
You upload them to my server, my server uploads them to imgur, then deletes the uploaded image.
It then embeds the URL into the client, and that is what gets saved on my server.
When you press submit before the upload, you only save the percentage it got to.
@calum Well they do offer companies advertising space;
So maybe Adblock plus is working 100% or they are hidden somewhere else???
@calum thanks mate. Keep up the good work without you we wouldn't even have a forum. I personally couldn't find enough hours in the day to keep on top of it. Well done mate
@andrewj1680 Pretty sure the old one is still alive.
The old one was fine, but the software was so out of date.
As you say, it's a lot of work keeping it running, we've had a great deal of outages this year alone.
It's nice to have a website where we all get along and a place to see what people are getting up to.
I don't have Facebook or anything so this forum is my outlet. And it's good cause people don't post up pictures of their food or post boring stuff.
It's always interesting to see what motors people are building etc. It's the members that make this forum what it is, so thank you for contributing.