Dead electrics 88
Appears to be where loom threads through frame near ignition coil, going to strip later and see what I find
Stripped loom back from rear of bike and removed loom tape, bit of a mess really but damaged cable(black) only visual fault, goes to power valve. Cannot see that killing power. Going to remove completely and test for resistance and clean up what you see. A longer job than I thought but there you go, at least it's still winter!
That's the problem with a bike near on 30 years old. Guess when engine changed in 1991 loom was changed to suit, would originally been 3bn now 3rm. Was expecting to see limited damage and a relatively easy repair, as if!! Going to set aside some time to sort properly, probably weekend now, busy week ahead.
Given the materials and correct connectors would be happy to give it a go with a pattern unmolested original to follow. Commercially not an option for me, the amount of time needed a non starter, will test and repair my own, will be as good as new anyway
Nice, glad you found the culprit anyhow. Looks like you were right to begin with then...towards the battery.
Wire corroded back under insulation , had to cut back about 25mm both ways, stripped loom tape back and found another poor join. Just testing loom through now, badly cut about, and poorly repaired before. Glad it came to light now tbh, would hate to be doing this in the warmer months, had an unexpected cancellation today hence able to repair now.
It was a lucky guess Calum, three wires in that joint, one to regulator rectifier and other to ignition. Could be what caused my reg/rec to fail last year. Thankfully seems to be fine after testing, could have been a disaster thinking about it. Just got to refit and put back together, thanks for advice. To be honest could not tell loom had been opened before or would have had a look last year when I was cleaning the loom up. Should not have to worry about it now.