Bar bends ? On dtr
@NINJA That's funny, I think I prefer the Aprilia over the Yamaha as well.
Don't get me wrong, adore my DT. Fantastic bike, but that Aprilia though. If I could have afforded one, I would have gotten one. But then I'd never have joined this forum so...
@Calum Well you already have an Aprilia sports bike, so you're nearly there. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_closed_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Both bikes and their pros and cons, but I would agree with ya about the Aprilia over the Yamy.
And I would have happily kept my DTR if it was easy to upgrade the brakes, suspension and SuMo it. But instead I decided to start over with my MX 125, as that was already a Supermoto and therefore had less mods to do. Your next project could be an MX 125, but I have a sneaking suspicion that you are eyeing up a KTM SuMo???
See i completely disagree there I've owned 2 rs 125s one 123 engined chesterfeild and a 122 spains no1 a dtr and a dtx 125 ..... and for me personally its all about the dtr ...... the rs is faster yes definitely. but both about the same with reliability rs parts are more expensive its alot more difficult to work on its so uncomfortable if your doing 30 odd miles a day to work it gave me the worst back pain but im 6ft
and its little and i dont really find the rs has any usable power under 8k really there a bit all or nothing a bit balls to the wall or nothing at all ..... as where the dt is more usable as a daily and it's pretty comfortable for a trail bike .... but thats my opinion i guess it all depends on what you use it for ..... and i really like both of the bars so i shall see what they look like fitted i deffinatly prefer the black bars though
@stinkwheeler I think that argument could be made between any sports bike vs a Supermoto. As I said earlier it's all down to riding style, usage and the riders height. Which probably explains the popularity of SuMo's, Ie. sports bike handling (to an extent), with a more comfortable riding position. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :winking_face: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
@stinkwheeler I was strictly speaking MX125. Not RS. RS is a cracking bike for the summer weather on the weekend to rip around B roads. MX can do that and still be a good daily. Just like the DTR, but packs a far superior punch.
I have a video of me and my mate on his mx 125 and the dt is faster all round the frame is much nicer on the mx and the build quality is far better on the mx ... but even with the mx having a 34mm carb and vforce it still stood no chance against the dt with a skimmed head and reeds .....
@stinkwheeler post a link please.
@NINJA Although that said, if you spot any project RS250's let me know.
What I got planned, it would be criminal to do to a fresh 250. So I'm looking for a project.
The new style RS125 Panels fit the 250s. I'm looking to do a Biaggi Replica to match the 125. I think that'll look sweet in my collection.
@NINJA i will have to upload it to youtube or something its on my old go pro its from this day ... side by side the mx does look the part though
@stinkwheeler Please do - was it on or off road???
And callum you should get the rs 250 and get the tyga body kit it looks the balls
@NINJA it was on a quater mile straight road dunball warf in bridgwater somerset the mx pulled in front to about 45 then the dt takes over it seems to have a stronger band but that could again all be down to how it was set up ect ...