Swingarm colour
Has anyone got the paint code and name for the DT125R/WR200 or knows a knock off that looks the same?
@Stevie-Wonder Lidl rattle can silver grey I used on my '98 looks good even though it's more grey than silver (it seems to be very good brake caliper paint as well, I'm pretty sure it's just smooth Hammerite without the name):
Halfords used to be able to make you up a rattle can the colour of your choice, I had a pearl white one made for some RZV500 and R1 models I was making. This swingarm on my '93 was powder coated silver by a local firm here in Blandford, just a matter of taking the part there and the guy said their silver is similar. This would be my preferred option as an offroad bike swingarm is a harsh environment in many ways so I'd favour toughness over getting the exact colour:
Is there still a paint factory in blandford? I thought Ballards closed years ago?…
@SpookDog Blandford Industrial Spraying in Holland Way near the recycling centre, 01258 451597. Made a nice job of my frame and a load of other bits, and they used to have a motorcycle racing team at one time so they understand how bikes fit together. I've heard a few horror stories of car alloy wheel refurb places trying to do bike wheels and ending up powder coating disc mounting faces etc.
@HOTSHOT-III Well lhorror no more...all my wheels I've had done had the disc mounting points painted. Had to wet and dry them back down.
I used to go to school with the son of the bloke that owned it (used to be Ballards) he had a mad max kinda buggy made out of an old Austin 1100 we used to drive around out the back! They used to get all their sandblasting done up at Hospital Metalcraft IIRC
I remember the blue bus they had later on as well for the bikes! Wicked memories!…
@Stevie-Wonder update the colour I was looking for was “Yamaha Competition Silver - Paint Code 00T9”