Changing to larger 18T front sprocket, does chain tension/wheel position need adjusting too?
There seems a fair amount of slack in the chain for the type of suspension pivot these have, so I'm wondering if I can swap between standard 16 tooth to bigger 18 tooth front without realigning the wheel for chain tension - anyone here any experience?
Sorry, but owning a motorcycle means learning how to adjust the chain. Yamaha could not have made it any easier with the snail trails. You just crack off the bolt and gently tap the snap with the hammer to an associative number on each side. Then retorque the wheel, move the bike a little and sit on it with all your weight and gauge the tension. The tension doesn't need to be precise, it just needs to be not too tight, not too loose.
If you're struggling to adjust the chain then I have to question whether riding a machine where you are so exposed is right for you? It's an important part of motorcycle maintenance. I find washing the bike equally an important part of motorcycle maintenance. Gives you an opportunity to examine loose bolts and the like.
You misunderstand me, but then again I likely haven't explained - I'm a 55 year old 'competent' amateur mechanic and I am not new to motorcycles, one of my previous jobs was for Newtronic Systems ( Formerly Piranha Ignition my dad owned it) as tech support for our bike and car ignition systems. As a young teen, I opened up and fixed my field beater bike engines without any books or anyone to ask - I looked at the engine, and how to take it apart and rebuild it spoke for itself. I built my own chain tensioner so I could swap front sprockets on my TY50 whilst down at the fields, I've long loved taking on challenges and problem solving of all kinds.
HOWEVER, and it's a big one for me, my body is sore back and such are rough as hell, my hands don't want to wrench-wrestle anymore, and it now appears I am AuDHD with all my syemptoms flaring right up these past few years, and I have the biggest case of 'imposter-syndrome' beating me away from my capabilities and denying me access to the confidence of all my experience.
Can I do these jobs? HELL YES! Is it a battle? You bet your right auntie and her favourite cat it is; I have to put down huge demons before I can even pick the tools up, and then it hurts.
So, the distillate from that little still is that I do NOT want to take it on, just because I am capable.
I hope that makes my attitude a little more understandable.
Thanks Callum. Be well
My heart belongs to the ring-a-ding-ding, though!
I plan on doing a few longer journeys on this as well so an e-bike wouldn't have suited, but I did consider it.
Also I'm currently riding via serial CBT's on L plates!
The day-to-day stuff I'll get my head around in no time, and I'm lucky enough, that when I need bigger jobs doing, my local bike mechanics are ''Rea Racing'', not only an actual racing team/family here in the UK, but really top guys too.
Just to add - I have been having carb troubles as per my other posts. This afternoon I wheeled the bike into my neighbour-buddy's garage, removed side panels, seat and tank then the carb, opened it up, removed the jets, tapped out my first ever emulsion tube and started removing all the massive amounts of gunk from within, took the carb and bits to Rea where they are now being ultrasonic cleaned ready for reassembly etc. tomorrow.
My back went out as I got to the garage, and it was tough wheeling the bike up the gentle slope into the garage, especially since it weighs twice what I currently do (seriously 2x plus 10lb -
bike wet weight 262.4 lbs. me without my rags at 126lb!), but the toughest part was slaying the demons making me feel I couldn't do it at all - the parts all came off in the fashion they looked like they should, and it was a smooth, unrushed process lasting a couple of hours in total, and I only slightly skinned one knuckle heheheh.So you see, my beliefs are locked in a different universe than the actual reality and they hold me over there with them, until I manage to stand and leap the gap and get it done, and for the first time in my life since I was a tot, it sometimes takes a little unnecessary-seeming 'hand-holding' to get me started. Previously, I was ferociously independent and just did almost everything myself flying blind.
Cheers again Callum!
P.s. - are you a UK native too?
That's so awful. Yes I am Midlands based.
I think you just need to take it steady, or maybe just move the bike on and try to save to get one that has the major work done to it.
Some of the lads on here build exceptional restoration bikes and I'd highly recommend buying from there. Peace of mind knowing you are buying from a genuine seller, but also that they wouldn't sell a bike with problems.
When I first started riding my Dt it took me 10 minutes just to do up my boots.
I had to climb on it while it was on the side stand. I had to stop riding from time to time cause my back was screaming at me.
I’ve had a trapped nerve in my back (& down my right leg) for the last 20 years!
I kept at it cause I’m an absolute stubborn fool
Riding actually got me limber again, it took a while and a lot of pain. It got me out the door as well, I was an agoraphobic, manic depressed nervous wreck. Getting on the bike and going out is one of the only things that gets me out of my pit in the morning (or afternoon!)
Having people around who can help you with the shitty gritty~cleaning parts of resurrecting a bike is a massive bonus!
Keep at it bud, it gets better when you actually beat the ‘gremlins’ and get it running righteously again!…
We shall overcome!
@FloWolF It's very brave of you to share your troubles on here. I've never heard of Impostor Syndrome but after a quick Google, I think you may have put a name to what causes me problems.
Sometimes I find myself taking stuff apart again to make sure I did the job properly the 1st time and honestly, not meaning to come across as conceited but I can't remember the last time I actually found something I'd done wrong! But every time that voice kicks in it always feels like it's different this time (which it never is, it's just the same emotion over and over again looking for a hook).
Although it's difficult, you have to see the positive side; this affects you because you're a deep thinker and are naturally disposed to question things. Whereas given enough time, a chimpanzee can be taught to be an Aston Martin technician, brain surgeon etc. And once you start looking around you in main dealers, universities etc., you begin to notice quite a lot of chimpanzees. Being this way doesn't always make life easy but I wouldn't be without what it gives me.
All the best to you buddy, and fair play taking on the carb strip!
It does sound familiar, doesn’t it?
In my case it sounds like the ‘part of my life’ that won’t let me remember how to be content, let alone happy. That it not deserved.
In my case I always put it down to being an acid casualtyand living in such an unharmonious, unbalanced, unaturual world. As long as I can remember I’ve always felt out of place…
It’s oddly comforting to know that I’m not alone!
Cause there doesn’t seem to be any love in this fuxin world
@Calum I'm far from alone with what I'm going through, and there's always people having a tougher time and doing better with it, so wtf eh heheheh!
As for the bike, well it came from Glenn, hasn't done much mileage and far as I can tell, is otherwise more-or-less in top, unrestored, original condition.
Anyway, all the work is done now, 18 tooth on the front and a test ride done, she purrs and flies - I posted about it briefly with some photos earlier.
And, I'd move my own legs on before I'd move this bike on now.
As for taking it steady, I've been trying most of my life heheheh, cheers again muckah.
Oh buddy, I feel ya - my back issues are similar, from shooting pains down through my arse and down my legs, to a feeling like my balls are being squeezed in a vise, and it's been effecting me for abgout the last 20 years too, and is all because of an MC accident winter of 1999 where I shattered (centre 3 inches of it 'turned to crumbs' to quote my surgeon) my left femur (now pinned from hip to knee) and whiplashed the hell out of my neck and lower back.
I got back on the road with the Piaggio scoot about 2010, and that took some guts, I was fucking terrified.
I'm just short of 5'11'', but I have to climb on with her on the sidestand and sometimes have to use a hand on a leg and pull it to get off, it's hilarious.
Thing is when the planets align I can have moments of athletic limberness that has too many people fooled.
I quit drinking for the last time 9+ years ago now, I was in a very dark place for years before that so hopelessly depressed and I was drinking all the while my eyes were open.
I have a soon-to-be 8 year old Au/ADHD kid (just been to his mental-monkey warehouse birthday party heheheh!), and plenty to live for so although I am still AFU in many ways, I don't tend to get properly 'depressed', but I tell you what that lad kicks my arse, I'm AuDHD but I can't keep up with him on his slowest days.
As for the bike, I was very happy with it when I put it away yesterday after the 18 tooth sprocket and clean carb test ride, and I'm not suffering too badly from the last few days efforts.
Cheers bud
Over-sharing seems to come with the spectrum territory heheheh!
Carb strip done, all back together and running like a dream!
My one main cockup, I bent the last few mm end of the f'n slide needle didn't I! Never bent, broke or lost one before, but luckily I got it back right and it works perfectly again.
It's always the demons and the walls they build that present me with the biggest obstacles to overcome, except for where money is the issue heheheh!
Cheers, and thanks.
Diagnosed ADHD and Asperger’s here, if you ever need a hand or some guidance or anything don’t be afraid to give me a message. Wether the be bikes or just finding your way around living with Au/ADHD. Lots of people that are way into their adult lifes the same as you struggle with a diagnosis because whilst you suddenly have loads of answers and explanations you are the way you are, you’re suddenly unsure of what to do with them.
Don’t be afraid of your bike but if you do find the thought of working or learning a bit overwhelming I do have to piss on your bonfire and say buy a different bike, it’s impossible to own a two stroke and not work on it every once in a while.
Wr125R’s, aprillia RX125’s and even the latest Sinnis Blade are all great offerings. Or if you want something older look at a little old DR125.
Snap! I’m 5-11 and yep, I have to lift my leg over by my trouser cuff!
and on sometimes…
It was a weird scary experience having to ‘learn’ to ride on the road again after (I think) 25 years. I’ve never had a bike with mirrors before, so never had the experience of seeing how many idiots stack up on your tailpipe sometimes!
Also being the 50 year old doing a CBT in a bunch of 16-17 year olds was a bit weird. TF the instructor was my age!…
@Stevie-Wonder Thanks for that, appreciated.
I'm actually still without a diagnosis, but it's been pretty obvious for a long time.
And I'm not afraid of the bike at all, it's a different set of a different kind of fears and once I get past those I'm back to myself, who learns by osmosis and has a natural practical sense.
I fell in love with 2 strokes when I was younger, but I never had the money to do it well then, so just rode beaters around the fields, but they're in my blood and I follow a lot of the 2 stroke fb pages, try to keep up with any news, even read the tuner's handbook for fun a couple or so years ago. I'm not about to willingly trade my way out of owning this one. I'll get my head around everything soon enough.
Thanks again!
@SpookDog I've been the oldest person by a margin for every CBT I've done since the first one at the end of the 1990's, luckily not as old as the instructors though!
My instructors may be gladdened to hear I don't overly utilise my mirrors out of consideration for the health of my nerves. Heh! Only joking before anyone gets upset
Cheers! P.s. I'm thinking of sewing some webbing straps to the ankles of my MC pants to help with getting on and off!