KTM Freeride E-SM (Electric)
Well there is a diagnostics port on the bike so it's definetly possible.. although I think the main concern is the battery. "Will last 10 years or 3000 charges", is the info I was given. But I worry that it may lose some capacity over time as batteries tend to do. But at just 90 minutes for a full charge, I'm happy so far!
How long does it last? I know it's hard to say because of different riding etc but how long would u say
Haven't ridden through a full charge on it yet. Picked it up yesterday and couldn't managed to change my insurance today. Previous owner said he managed 45 miles riding economically and 35 when he was riding faster. Reading reviews, the pro MX riders manage just 30 minutes of track time but amateurs can spend over an hour and a half so I'll get plenty of time on the track I'de say!
Battery lasted about 20 miles today with hard use! But it wasn't charged to 100% prior, so hopefully I'll see a bit more out of it next time. Sounds like an RC car in this vid.
https://youtu.be/zCalXM8mBtc -
That is properly interesting ride!
This bike is actually fascinating! Never seen anything like it
They really are the future.. Just need to get over the poor battery technology we have and they will be everywhere I promise! I heard they were coming out back in 2014 and have had my heart set on one since.
£10,300 brand new so I wasn't planning on getting one for a few more years but this one was listed at just £4,350 ready for the road so I couldn't say no. The older stock are on eBay now for around £5,500 brand new but at the end of the day it's a 2015 bike so I can't complain. For short commutes, it makes a lot of sense.
Once I get some off road wheels so I can take it to the tracks, then I'll get some real use out of it. At 108kg it should be light enough to throw into some corners nicely!
They'll probably work out kinks with the battery's soon but wow I really really like it! stunning piece of kit would be good if you get some videos of it on the track I would like to see more of it looks pretty fast in the videos! still can't quite get my head around the way it sounds but I'd be up for buying one of these in a few years when they get to grips with the battery technology!
What's the power output on these?
Are we going to be seeing 17 year olds on them?
They are actually CBT legal unfortunately... Even though they output 22hp, they are legal on a CBT because of the economy mode only using half the total torque the motor has to offer.
@MIGHTYMAN That's quality 22bhp. That's faster than a dt lol
It's sad if you ask me. The fact they can get a motor to output more power than an engine lol.
Yeah quicker than a DT. Designed to be able to compete with 125 MX bikes so had to be. It is amazing how small the actual motor is tbh, Battery weighs in at 28kg and is bigger than the motor. I'll upload a video of it without the battery later on, it looks silly!
@MIGHTYMAN Battery technology is going to make massive strides in the next 15 years, cool bike!
Couple of pics and a video of the battery removed.
Not sure what to make of the small amounts of what appears to be battery acid though...
https://youtu.be/DLm5samSU9o -
Sorry guys the home page doesn't exist apparently lol I'm locked out again,all I can do is search for a random post and try to get a msg thru
Video of some attemps at a few wheelies / endos. Going nice and slow, I can pull it up with ease. Just under 30mph and it will still wheelie, but only if I stand up.
I'm sure the front wheel keeps coming out of alignment after these sessions but no idea why as everything it nice and tight. Hope it's not wheels giving way... -
@MIGHTYMAN She looks real cool and also looks like she rides very well too. What speeds can you get up to? She pulls pretty damn good from the vid, have you any friends to ride with for a direct comparision???
Top speed with the current 13-46 sprockets is only 54. The stock 13-40 sprockets offer 64. Should see 75 with a good enough road setup though I reckon. Haven't ridden with anyone just yet but will do soon!
@MIGHTYMAN That's pretty insane for an electic bike! Like you say once they improve on the battery tech I'm sure we'll se more and more electric bikes and cars!!! ;O)