Progress has been slow being a new parent takes up so much of your time i never imagined... i decided to take on polishing my cylinder head and barrel before sending it off to mick im just waiting on some dremmel buffers and will polish with autosol to finish will post pics of it finnished but this has taken 3 months of evening with a dremel and wet and dry
@stinkwheeler I feel your pain, I've spent about 4 hours everyday this week polishing my swing arm, I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooo looking forwards to finishing it off and fitting it!!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Well here it is its not perfect by any means but its taken months and i need to press on so i shall ring pjs tomorrow and see what they can do me for I'm after a re line and bored to 140 ish and head and powervalve reworking and a wiseco forged piston
@stinkwheeler Yeah that's bad ass!
@stinkwheeler cylinders nice and all but those purple knives are cleannnnnn!
So i got my fat bars on thanks callum for the recommendation they seem to be spot on although now i need to take it all apart and powdercoat the yokes black im thinking... seat cover ordered new grips and a bar pad ... and i shall continue with getting the engine polished.... http://imgur.com/gallery/xffqfJ6
Just a small update polished the sprocket casing and sent he little guard off for chroming http://imgur.com/gallery/PDycNVf but still waiting on the barrel being bored out ... and parts from america and some handguards from china
... i hate waiting
@stinkwheeler Yeah that looks balla!
@stinkwheeler Extra shiny - looks mint bud!!! :thumbs_up_light_skin_tone:
So still at it zeel is in the post now so rather chuffed just managed to acquire this dt200 3xp swingarm so polishing this at the momenthttp ://imgur.com/gallery/VPLpIo2 and the clutch cover still .... so time consuming but hopefully progress pictures verry soon
This polishing malarkey is hard work once my p1000 grit turns up i can do a final sand and polish and i can take photos fitted http://imgur.com/gallery/ovJ15pE
To get a good result and mirror finish it does take a lot of time and effort, but the finished result is well worth it. You can make life easier by removing as many scratches as possible with wet n' dry, I went down in grades all the way to 1200 grade. Plus using a polishing kit really helps and takes out a lot of the graft, once you have it looking pretty good then finish off with a final hand polish, using clean soft cotton cloths until you get that mirror finish;
And I've yet to try it, but this stuff is supposed to be the mutts nutts too;
Yea that looks pucker mate i dont think i will end up getting it that good it was a mess to begin with and takes alot of patience
Also made a little stainless bracket for the temp guage i plan on making one for the otherside with rev guage and shift light off the zeeltronic http://imgur.com/gallery/z7O6FsO
So after a long 2 month wait the zeeltronic is finally here http://imgur.com/gallery/SB8wNg1 along with a wiseco forged piston i can now start to get the ball rolling