Dtr125 powervalve help
Tryed 2 open srrvo with a 12v battery and cant seem to get it to do anything
spare wires cdi
servo wires
spare wire from engine
wire from cdi to coil
I need a control unit for may servo
look like tht trying to find 1 anybody know any1 stripping 1 ?
Can you not just get the CDI that will do both the ignition and servo.
I run a Zeeltronic on mine, which is hands down the best bang for buck in terms of performance. Gives you complete control over the YPVS operation.
@Calum how much u unit
If you have a 5 wire loom, then YPVS is controlled via the single CDI unit, you should be looking for a 3RM -?
Seperate Servo controllers were one year only on the DT125R back in 1988. 3 wire looms,
@Darty u hav 3gm cdi is this all i need
Theirs a few on eBay