VM28 Jets
R euro models should have VM28SS carb, as far as I know... I think before 1988 it was VM26... But there are different variations for sure...
First (before I've done nothing) it felt quite fine... I have no experience from 125 2t bikes before, so I can't really say is it good or bad
It revs abt 8000 rpm and stuck there. After updating main jet, it revs less and sound weird... It's not running clear as 2t should. Maybe I should try 200 main jet next?
What I was wondering is that why later models can use 250 main jet, even with quite original stock bike? And for my bike it is way too big? Is it due to different carb (VM -> TM change)?
@jgr72 I'm pretty sure the early 3DB1, DTR were VM26. Have another check on your bike.
There is a difference between Numbers in the VM -TM series and they are not correspondent to each other.
Sounds like the bike is running rich...
A leaner main jet perhaps, but do try to adjust the needle position to, its important to Mid to full throttle running.
The standard jet size for a 3DB1 - 88' DTR is a 125 Main jet
You have to trial jets, and it's very individual to each engine and the environment..
Can only suggest you try smaller jets than 200, I know a TZR125 from the same period, with the VM26 uses a 180 main,, have a go with it, best to try some different sizes and see how it feels.
My bike is 3BN, if it will make any difference... I will have to take another look of the carb
Last time I took some measurements: engine side diameter is 35mm, air filter diameter is 43mm and its abt 84mm long, but didn't look the exact modelIsn't jet numbers all the same? It's a hundredth of 1mm? But the carb body effect that, there have to be different jetting, even the size is the same... for example 28mm.
By the way, isn't 3DB an DT125LC'88 model? And 3BN an DT125R'88?
This site says its an LC model:
try to fin 3DB and it says: "DT125LC'88"
Anyway that site doesn't say 3BN to be an R model... confusing...
Today I took the airbox out, and blowed dirt away, I also changed main jet to 200, and that feels much better than 250. I also measured the carb size, and it is 28mm:
I couldn't find any information about the carb size or model, it has some Yamaha stamps but nothing else...