Usd forks
Anyone know what usd forks use the same size spindle as the dt
@vtrn_raptor 1989' - 1995' Yamaha YZ's.
@ricky0115 of course not,
The DTR stem and bearing geometry is a far out dated design.
Needs fabrication of either stem, and/or external bearing race and spacers.
I'm building Ex-racing 1995' YZ250 forks onto mine,
Will update with some specs in the future.
Okay man I wanna go for a stem swap on some usd forks but want a set that I can use my sm wheels on instead of the yz wheel
@vtrn_raptor See this thread and speak to @tdrgreg2
He used a set of Aprilia MX 125 USD's which were almost a direct bolt on, just one spacer required.