Bike running fast revs
Experience has kicked me up the butt more than once (I am, after all, an old man!) and personally always use new seals,gaskets etc when refitting something, mainly because when problems arise like you are experiencing I know I can rule out a duff seal (you do get duff new ones occasionally, quality counts) and have been using Athena kits that have proved to be reliable.There is nothing worse than stripping something down you have just meticulously rebuilt because of a "minor" hiccup. By the way, I hate fitting that rubber boot as well, my fingers are a bit to pudgy to fit comfortably in the airbox
Is this reving high as soon as you start it ? Common things that will cause it also are a blown or incorrectly sealed cylinder base gasket or a leaking left crank seal, its usually the left side that goes they dry out and perish over time. Only a couple of quid and easy to fit, same with the base gasket.
@scrimsmustang when first started it was perfect but soon as i gave it a nice rev it acted up
@declan okay so it’s working now the oil pump had stopped pumping had air in it no idea how but I guess that was my fault i wd40 every cable and after many hours it’s going but the cable keeps slipping out the carb does anyone have a fix for this?