Winter maintenance
Clean and inspect the linkage, most people neglect this.
Might want to replace the fork oil aswell.Airfilter is a foamtype, just wash and reoil, unless its broken down.
@irongamer727 don’t. Forget some rust protection from the salty roads
Yeah Swingarm linkages are always a pain. Well worth seeing to those.
@calum what should I look for? I have detected a small leak... from the linkage
@irongamer727 They have grease nipples on them. Just use a grease gun to fill em up with white lithium based grease.
@calum will that seal the leak? I have previously greased it with regular grease.
@irongamer727 It shouldn't be leaking bud.
If there is going to be anything leaking from that area then it's going to be the shock I'm afraid.
Don't forget, the coolant overflow and gearbox overflow should be fed through that area too. So be sure it's not those that are leaking.
@calum yep, the shock is leaking.. what to do?
@irongamer727 They are not serviceable.
So it's going to be a replacement. Do you really want to risk getting a used one, for that to leak. I'd just get a new one...
He says before checking the prices.
Nope way too expensive. Get a decent looking used one.
@calum thanks a lot! I have contacted the seller. But I am still surprised my shock started leaking... I am not stunting and such, taking really good care of the bike and so forth. And the bike is in really good condition so I doubt the previous owners have not taken good care of it..
@irongamer727 Could be a lot of reasons, all it's going to take is a little bit of grit to damage the seal. Sometimes it's just bad luck.
Had to change my shock on the 88 a few years back, just one of those things really, second hand replacement has been fine since.