Seat cover fitting
Anyone with tips for fitting replacement seat cover. I hate doing them and only had one success out of three so far. End up with bloody sore fingers and frustrated to hell. 89 bike I am doing foam rubbish and misshapen underneath. Have a spare with good foam so went to fit new cover and struggling like hell. HELP!
@declan don’t use any glue don’t try do both sides at the same time staple the very back to keep the leather centred then staple one side of the Yamaha writing then go over the the other Yamaha side and stretch the leather while pulling forward in the same motion toward the tank side staple that good then I’d do the same to the other Yamaha side take the staples back out if need be and just repeat and do that the entire length
@oldman When I did mine be careful of the staples when you are stapling the thin parts of the seat. If they are too long they will push through when you sit on it. I used 12mm and 8mm staples around the thick and thin parts. Line up one side ensuring that the Yamaha logo is parallel to the bottom edge and tack a couple of staples in to hold it and then repeat with the other side. Always keep the cover taught so as not to get any creases. Then work your way around slowly putting some tacks in then check, recheck and double check again. Stretch it around the nose first, then the rear. Once it looks right and everything lines up good and your happy with it, then you can start to staple it down proper.
There are several vids on YT detailing how to do it, but this is a good vid for getting it right;
Thanks gents, video was good but not glueing, I walked away and left it for a couple of hours. Went back and stretched it in to submission and a good result. Not upholsterer standard but ok, used 8mm staples and a strong staple gun that worked fine. I will post a pic shortly. Foam on original seat poor so just as well I had a spare