Airbox hose & engine hose
How do you add photos to this website? I have two pics and can't work out how to upload them?
Anyway - whilst rebuilding my bike that has obviously been owned by a total cowboy in the past- I've noticed my airbox has an open bit before the airfilter for a hose to attach on - but no hose!!! Not good as that air is not being filtered. Secondly there is a much smaller attachment on the top of the engine next to the tacho drive - also with no hose on it - are these two linked? Thirdly!!!! The flexy tube that connects the carb to the airbox has a hole in it that has been blocked up with a coca cola bottle lid.... Lucky I got this bike cheap as it definitely needs tlc - but I want to get it back to good working order and its hard finding answer in the Haynes manual when I don't know what to search under. Thanks AGAIN for any help.
Do you mean part number 17 on the picture and im pretty sure that's the crankcase breather.
@LJK_hunter that's it! Thanks very much. Should it have a hose on it to stop any water getting down?
@Darty That looks to me like it is from a 2005 RE DT125!
It's called the Yamaha Air Intake System YAIS
Believe it or not, a pipe from the exhaust actually plumbs into there!
Yeah just bung it up it's not needed.
The gearbox you will want to run some hose to the floor for that one.