Project SMX [Pic Heavy]
Wheel repairing due to the numpty tyre fitter, chipping my perfect paint job!!! :pouting_face: :pouting_face: :pouting_face:
Just waiting for final coat to dry before I apply the lacquer. Today's heatwave reduces curing times thankfully!!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :sun:
:smiling_face_with_sunglasses: :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_cold_sweat: :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:
@Louis-James Being a perfectionist, there always comes a point when you have to draw a line and stop. I put a lot of work into getting my wheels perfect and some numpty damages them in seconds. OK it was only 2 small chips which were hardly noticeable unless you were close up, but to me they were enough to try and fix them. Sadly they would not polish out, so a full rub-down and respray was required. Mint wheels will be reappearing very soon............
@Calum Thanks bud - And it would be rude not to get an MX, then you'll have a Sports 122 and a SuMo 122. Plus there's only about 200 left in the UK now!!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_closed_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: