Project SMX [Pic Heavy]
@calum Yeah the hubs scrap metal now sadly - and a new Talon hub would probably be cheaper???
@calum The RX 125 run the same hubs and I've just found a dude in Germany selling an RX rear wheel. The hub looks good, the spokes and rim are a bit rusty, he wants £149 for it so it's a possibility. He also has terrible feedback, so we'll see, I have other priorities ATM and need to progress this build, so a spare set of wheels is low priority just now.
@calum The RX 125 run the same hubs and I've just found a dude in Germany selling an RX rear wheel. The hub looks good, the spokes and rim are a bit rusty, he wants £149 for it so it's a possibility. He also has terrible feedback, so we'll see, I have other priorities ATM and need to progress this build, so a spare set of wheels is low priority just now.
@calum I paid £250 for a pair, so £149 for the rear is not too bad, especially compared to the new prices. Plus it has the disc and sprocket removed already. But like I said it's low priority ATM, I have one good set, if I can get another set out of what I've got then I'm golden, it's just a shame as the funds would have paid to have my frame shot blasted and coated.
@calum I paid £250 for a pair, so £149 for the rear is not too bad, especially compared to the new prices. Plus it has the disc and sprocket removed already. But like I said it's low priority ATM, I have one good set, if I can get another set out of what I've got then I'm golden, it's just a shame as the funds would have paid to have my frame shot blasted and coated.
@ninja why is that squirrel so fat lol I’m sure you could get a generic sm hub laced up and that’s definitely a strange thing to snap do you think it was maybe already compromised maybe an hairline crack
@declan Are you picking on Gordo? That lil dude is the most patient Squirrel ever. He sits and waits for upto an hour, till he's 100% sure the cost is clear then jumps down for his daily feed.
And yeah it could have been pre-damaged, hard to say now but it's totally knackered now and just scrap metal.
@declan Are you picking on Gordo? That lil dude is the most patient Squirrel ever. He sits and waits for upto an hour, till he's 100% sure the cost is clear then jumps down for his daily feed.
And yeah it could have been pre-damaged, hard to say now but it's totally knackered now and just scrap metal.
@declan Squirrel bully alert - REPORTED!!! :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_closed_eyes:
He has lots of friends to attack you with ya know.
Squirrels are very territorial and will fight to the death to protect what they believe is theirs. I have at least 11 of them coming to my 2 peanut feeders daily. So bully boy decars would be no match for my Squirrel army!!!! :oncoming_fist: :oncoming_fist_light_skin_tone: :oncoming_fist_medium-light_skin_tone: :oncoming_fist_medium_skin_tone: :oncoming_fist_medium-dark_skin_tone: :oncoming_fist_dark_skin_tone: :oncoming_fist: :oncoming_fist_light_skin_tone: :oncoming_fist_medium-light_skin_tone: :oncoming_fist_medium_skin_tone: :oncoming_fist_medium-dark_skin_tone: :oncoming_fist_dark_skin_tone: -
Squirrels are very territorial and will fight to the death to protect what they believe is theirs. I have at least 11 of them coming to my 2 peanut feeders daily. So bully boy decars would be no match for my Squirrel army!!!! :oncoming_fist: :oncoming_fist_light_skin_tone: :oncoming_fist_medium-light_skin_tone: :oncoming_fist_medium_skin_tone: :oncoming_fist_medium-dark_skin_tone: :oncoming_fist_dark_skin_tone: :oncoming_fist: :oncoming_fist_light_skin_tone: :oncoming_fist_medium-light_skin_tone: :oncoming_fist_medium_skin_tone: :oncoming_fist_medium-dark_skin_tone: :oncoming_fist_dark_skin_tone: -
@ninja Everyone knows that. -
@calum Squirrel World Domination - CONFIRMED!!!
:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_closed_eyes:
I had a busy but very productive day today. I managed to get the bike totally stripped down without anymore breakages thankfully;
Does anyone have any tips on how to DIY strip the original powder coating off at all please?
@ninja Yeah, don't. Send it away and let someone else do all the hard work! Looking good though.
Looking forward to seeing how you build this back up.
@calum Thanks bud, I have a vision and lots of shiny new parts already waiting to go back on, once I've got the frame and wheels sorted, it's smaller bills from there on mostly - well hopefully.
The previous owner had a lot of work done to the engine. It's running a Mitaka head and has had a rebore, but there's a serious oil leak at the back of the engine. So I think I'll have to play it safe and strip the engine down and start over? Sadly that will add lots of time and more expense, so this build is most likely gonna take me into 2019 now!!!
@calum Thanks bud, I have a vision and lots of shiny new parts already waiting to go back on, once I've got the frame and wheels sorted, it's smaller bills from there on mostly - well hopefully.
The previous owner had a lot of work done to the engine. It's running a Mitaka head and has had a rebore, but there's a serious oil leak at the back of the engine. So I think I'll have to play it safe and strip the engine down and start over? Sadly that will add lots of time and more expense, so this build is most likely gonna take me into 2019 now!!!
@ninja The Mitaka kit is the cheaper replacement pattern part of the market.
I did have both Mitaka and original Gilardoni Barrel and the casting is night and day between the two. The OEM is far superior.
What that means in real world performance will most likely be negligible and there is no reason why the Mitaka barrels cannot be reworked.
The oil leak coming from the gearbox or the RAVE. Pretty common to see them out the RAVE. A new gasket would sort that out.
Although given these engines proven performance, and ergo, reliability. I'd recommend an inspection and the minimum. If the engine is out, seriously do at least the minimum.
Main bearings (not special bearings like the DTR so these are cheap for Koyo's) £20 and the primary gears (£30). They are the usual culprits.
I'd inspect the crank for play. I recently "rebuilt" crank I acquired out an MX engine I got had zero play in the crank. Good, but literally, had zero play in the crank (bad). There should be some float. So this crank will need rebuilding.
@ninja The Mitaka kit is the cheaper replacement pattern part of the market.
I did have both Mitaka and original Gilardoni Barrel and the casting is night and day between the two. The OEM is far superior.
What that means in real world performance will most likely be negligible and there is no reason why the Mitaka barrels cannot be reworked.
The oil leak coming from the gearbox or the RAVE. Pretty common to see them out the RAVE. A new gasket would sort that out.
Although given these engines proven performance, and ergo, reliability. I'd recommend an inspection and the minimum. If the engine is out, seriously do at least the minimum.
Main bearings (not special bearings like the DTR so these are cheap for Koyo's) £20 and the primary gears (£30). They are the usual culprits.
I'd inspect the crank for play. I recently "rebuilt" crank I acquired out an MX engine I got had zero play in the crank. Good, but literally, had zero play in the crank (bad). There should be some float. So this crank will need rebuilding.
@calum I'll take some close up pics of the engine in the morning, there's oil all under the carb area, around the rear shock & spring is covered in oil and black gunk.
I will most likely see what funds allow, but maybe a full bottom end rebuild whilst the engine is out would be prudent. And then when I've sold a kidney may be a 140cc kit , Zeeltronic, 34mm Delli, Carbon reeds, Scalvini exhaust, new power valve, etc. etc.