Anyone got a Dt running better than this?
He's one hell of an editor that case.
Look at this
I wouldn't be so sure he's actually sped up the video. At the most his Speedo is reading incorrectly (from change in wheelsize possibly), but even then is this so unbelievable? He is lifting it in 2nd and a tiny bit in 3rd from power alone, so there must be a fair bit of pull from that bike.
The vid may look sped up because of his surroundings moving so fast, but if you take a look at this video, about 10 seconds in you would think I'm going faster than I actually was.
@mightyman indeed his bike pulls HARD.
@irongamer727 Yes?
@irongamer727 TZR Belgarda RR Barrel and Head ported by Mick Abbey and the squish band improved for peak power. The compression ratio has been increased and a forged domed piston placed along side a lighter forged connecting rod. TZR RR Belgarda Dellorto VHSA Carb with a hand crafted underslung pipe with a carbon fibre end can for pure performance. Also running RAM air pod filter to maximise air intake. The ignition system has been completely swapped out for a custom ignition system provided by Zeeltronic, the map has then been fine tuned to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together.
That combined with lighter components, supermoto wheels and the removal of any unnecessary weight.
So it's not just a slapped on Athena kit and a slightly sped up video.
2 Strokes DO NOT LIKE over square engines. Optimum two strokes work where the bore size matches the stroke. Increasing the bore will greatly reduce potential peak power, but naturally increases torque. It won't be enough to save it though, once my bike comes on full song, with a full 20k RPM limiter, and peak power shifted to around the 13k line, that DT won't stand a chance.
I'm not doubting 100 mph out of DTRs and definitely not doubting it with a TDR TZR ect or being that quick there is better out there I'm doubting his speedo and his honesty on this video look at the difference in speeds and the speedo when slowing down for the car but I don't doubt 100mph mine gets 80 not modified running a bit worse for wear and wants to lift in 3rd gear so 20mph is not much to gain when the power is there not being used
@finnerz89 My brothers 2001 dt125 indicated 100 with full dep ram air 38mm carb 170 athena
But yeah, wouldn't trust the dt speedo, and we only measured it with a '97.... Fiat Punto GT, so hardly trustworthy lol
Indicated and actually doing it are two different kettles of fish.
@finnerz89 I don't no I think it could different gearing modified well wind behind you I only get 10k revs out of my bike and I get 80mph maybe 85 downhill
, not modified ish, I think original piston and rings, chain and sprockets
@calum most speedos (cars included) read 10% over as I'm sure you know.
I've seen plenty of claims about 100mph but I'm yet to see one with a GPS or genuine corrected speedo, hence my pessimism lol.
I'd love to be proven wrong I just highly doubt it