Prometheus Project (PC Gaming Rig)
Getting there. This especially is not my forte. I have redone almost all the lines as I feel like I was getting the hang of it a little better. I would love to perfect it but I really want my PC back now it's been over a month!
My mandrel bender doesn't fit the bigger pipes, so had to do it by hand. I don't know if it's just me but swear I actually did a better job with just the corner of a table lmao. Ah well as said learning experience.
I am not 100% happy with it. I can't stress that enough, it's a lot harder to get it perfect than I thought. Maybe in the future I will do it again but for now here it is 75%complete.
The reservoir and pump are fixed in now too. All that's left is from the pump to the graphics card, motherboard and cpu. The lines from these components have been done.
Then the system needs filling up, checking for leaks. Then it should be good to go. Need to order a few more barbs and hard lines. But hopefully next week should see it back up and running.
@mad73 Give me a spanner, what do you think I have been building this with my teeth!
Do both pal. To be fair, I enjoy building the computer more than I do using it. And that's the Gods honest truth lol. Once its built it'll be used for YouTube lmao.
It's just once you have had a custom PC, it's so hard to go to anythibg else. Just imagine no loading for anything. Everything is instantaneous on this machine.
It is lovely. But overkill. And you know me, I don't shy away from the tools.
But I am not very good at stuff like your man cave. One day I hope to be. But it's not a skill I posses right now. It takes all sorts of people in this world.
@MIGHTYMAN Samsung are absolutely gash lmao! Their SSD's are not compatible with Debian.
I bought the corsair one many moons ago.
I got the hyperx one free with the 970 graphics card. I would have not bought it out of choice.
The drive I would have got eould have been the San Disk Pro
Ah in that case, the overhead of running Windows outweighs the gains of running an SSD. I joke of course.
So on paper the Samsung Pro is better than the San Disk. But the random read speeds, which are more like real life performance, favoured better on the san disk.
Out of personal preference I don't like Samsung products. I have a few expensive Samsung items that are just naff.
But either way you won't tell the difference.
@Calum said:
@mad73 Give me a spanner, what do you think I have been building this with my teeth!
Do both pal. To be fair, I enjoy building the computer more than I do using it. And that's the Gods honest truth lol. Once its built it'll be used for YouTube lmao.
It's just once you have had a custom PC, it's so hard to go to anythibg else. Just imagine no loading for anything. Everything is instantaneous on this machine.
It is lovely. But overkill. And you know me, I don't shy away from the tools.
But I am not very good at stuff like your man cave. One day I hope to be. But it's not a skill I posses right now. It takes all sorts of people in this world.
teeth hahahahahaha I like it
most things to do with carpentry is having the right tools same as most things really , I just cant get on with computers to small and fiddly for me hammers and power tools as there nice and big , if your good at building things which it seems you are going by your bike and computer building a shed is easy really you could build 1 with basic tools hammer hand saw nails sprit level , -
@Darty Hhmm, I bet if I check the bank the computer will say 'No'. I don't want to examine how much the upgrades have cost me lmao! Project cars next month.
I very rarely use this computer for gaming, not sure why I upgraded it, just fancied a challenge of building the liquid cooling system.
@MIGHTYMAN Yeah, I wanted individual cold feeds to each of the components. As such it did take a few attempts to get right.
The hard part was making them all single pieces. The amount of pipes I had to scrap because I got it wrong three bends in grr!
Individual cold feeds? I have never heard of anyone doing that before. I get the feeling this is a very similar scenario to you adding a second radiator to your DT. Looks very good, but doesn't provide any noticeable functionality. Whilst it would be good to drop some of the components by a few degrees, I'm sure in practise it wouldn't really help? The only benefit might be that you have a LOT of extra coolant so it might take a very small amount of additional time, before the whole loop gets up to working temp?
Sorry if this comment seems like I'm having a dig, I'm really not but I know you are much like me in that there are some unique ways we like doing certain things like this, even if the result is little to no gains and a much lighter pocket!
@mad73 Cheers mate
Got it exactly how I want it, for now.
@mightyman Nah you wouldn't put hot coolant from the GPU into the CPU then into the Motherboard. If you're going to do the job properly you want individual feeds after yhe radiator. It's a little more work but it is a noticeable difference. Remember if the average temperature is lower, then the radiator/fans has to do less work to cool it down. So it increases the lifespan of components.
The DT is modified so in theory needs a bigger radiator. On hot days it will see 100 degrees centigrade. Which was always worrying for me. But I am not convinced the Lanza radiator made that much difference. A proper Ally rad will though. So if you fabricate a proper ally rad to the dt the temperature difference will be mental. YZ runs with barely little coolant and the temps are like 50 degrees. That's half that of the dt.
Been busy doing some more upgrades to my PC. Another 16 Gigs of ram, another SSD and a HDD. New pump and reservoir and have mounted an OLED screen hooked into an Arduino which in turn is hooked into the motherboard.
Eventually the Arduino will poll the motherboard for CPU temperature as well as time.