Knobbly tires
@Stevie-Wonder the 120 is width isnt it?
I use trial tyres on mine as I can't do more than 50mph on knobbly ones without being almost thrown off. I think I might have got mine off mytyres so that's always a good place to look.
@riley_racer I highly recommend a change of knobbly’s or checking your tire pressures. Remember when you buy a knobbly for a road legal bike always consider the contact patch with the road and the way that changes/can be effected when you lean into corners. Some knobbly’s just flat out don’t offer any support on the shoulders of the tire which as you can imagine is quite unsafe
I have an interesting spare rear now I think of it it has nobblies but is more flat on the corners of the tyre so you can corner properly on the road I swapped it out though because it made me crash off-road since you can't corner off-road on that tyre I'll get the name of it so i can post it because it's a good tyre if you just want to do green lanes
@declan good job being informative. Most people say “blah blah” tyres good or bad without any evidence as to why other then their own preferences and experiences. It makes it very confusing and hard to get a conclusive answer when trying to find a decent tyre.
I think Ryan over at fort nine did an amazing job explaining this and anything I haven’t mentioned
@Stevie-Wonder yeah that's why I use trial tyres mate
best of both worlds
@riley_racer I got served a section 51 riding field the other day. Needless to say the rozza’s definitely have me in my feels about my my off road usage
@Stevie-Wonder ah sorry to hear that mate, I've been doing classic trials since I was wee, so I know where all the BOAT's are in my area
@Stevie-Wonder Can't help feeling like you brought that on yourself...what with us being on lockdown?
@Calum I keep forgetting we're in lockdown... yeah not surprised then @Stevie-Wonder