The Icarus Project (4EFTE)
Got some beautiful parts imported from the Japland.
What makes me laugh is in the documents provided it says for use inside Japan only. Jeez talk about nationalism. How can they afford to only sell to themselves!
Anyway. These parts cost a fortune inside the UK. I had to wait over a month for them but at a 50% reduction. The JDM boys will love these parts.
Front amd rear cusco carbon fibre strut braces.
Cusco lateral pan hard rod
Cusco front lower arm braceWon't be fitting the rest for some time in the future. But it should be nice when it is all done.
I was approached by a seller on the Starlet forum, asked if I wanted to be the first to grab my hands on a new prototype product he's selling. In return I just need to get some decent photos to him
What you reckon?
No? Fair do's.
It's mainly for when I go to shows and what not. I don't have to leave the bonnet open with the risk of parts getting nicked. It's a two second job to fit so it's no bigger.
I'm thinking in the future Carbon Fibre bonnet and reverse carbon hood scoop. That'll look the tits! lol
That sounds fari enough if you just want to show off whats underneath! I saw one of these cars at my college recently, they're surprisingly small and i bet with a 1.3 turbo they go like shit off of a shovel
Are you going to the Halloween cruise in Gloucester? -
So I thought I'd start this new forum off with adding my current project on here.
Day 1
So yes, I was a little ripped off on this motor when I bought it. I had many unforeseen issues that I had been blatenly lied to about. But at the end of the day it goes like this. I bought the car that I've always wanted. Nuff Said. Yes it was a little rough round the edges, and I didn't actually get it running till like 6 months later but nevermind.
Here she is homesweet home.
In all fairness it was running I just decided to take it off the road and fix her up!
This was the day I picked it up.
The current Spec list at the time was
- WEPR Exhaust Manifold
- Full HKS Power Silencer 3.5" Stainless Steel Exhaust
- DCat system
- Tein Coilovers
- Front Mount Intercooler
It was later found out that the engine had been forged by a previous owner
First Update
This car was so rough, it didn't even have an air filter....nice! So I sorted this out fairly sharpish!
Right behind the grill for maximum air flow
I bought a couple of Stack gauges to fit to this car. Nice boost and oil pressure gauge. Although I going to replace the oil filter sandwich plate for peace of mind.
The Power steering bracket required some modifying before it would fit nicely.
Nice and
I went to investigate the coolant leak, and it turned out there was not thermostat. After replacing the thermostat the leak got progressively worse....I had feared this but it was the head gasket time. I've got no prior experience on working with four stroke engines, or cars for that matter, so this was a scary task for me.... :s
Time for a strip down and rebuild. I done everything myself:
- Valve Lapped
- Head Skimmed
- Chemically Cleaned
- Rocker Cover Respary
- Rocker Cover Gasket
- Spark Plug Tube Gaskets
- Head Gasket
- Valve Stem Seals Replaced
- Cams Polished
- Water Pump
- Cam Belt and Pulleys
I also did some other upgrades to this motor whilst I was working on it. Replaced all of the speakers with nice pioneer upgrads. Bought a nice Pioneer Sub. Some Rota Grids and have been buiilding an in car entertainment system!
Second Update
So I had to wait till after christmas before any work could really be done on this car but here is the next installment.
I'm not going to lie to you...I'm losing the will to leave with this project. It's not like any project I've done before, it's so big in scope and is absolutely ruining my bank balance. In the past four weeks I have not done very much. Even since I've had the car I haven't done much.
With closer inspection I found out why my seat was stuck in gangster mode. Short story is it's fcked! Not sure how one damages it like it has but it's bad. The engine is still fcked. Haven't had much time/luck fixing it. Everything seems to go from bad to worse. But I see the light. I'm halfway through the engine work. I'm at the very last part that needs removing, but no surprises that I say that's gone wrong too!
The crankshaft pulley got destroyed whilst me taking it off, so I've had to order another. And the pulley puller I bought was a load of rubbish. Eventually I just rammed a fat off metal wedge in between the engine and the crankshaft pulley. Came off then.
I've been busy building the in car entertainment system and have made some real progress on this. It's by no way finished and it's difficult to implement, but it's getting there. See the video to see the full scope of its capability. But more will follow on that.
I'm replacing bits as I go, got uprated gear linkage bushes installed today, have uprated the engine mount with a polybush mount and am just about to install a new waterpump until I hit a problem. So that's going to be another week fixing it. I've bought a gorgeous D1 Spec oil catch can. Sold the hideous OMP steering wheel for a Momo one and have ordered a D1 Spec Carbon gearknob and a TRD (replica) carbon horn button. I bought some rare GT Indiglo dials and I love them. Have bought some nice Stack Oil, and boost gauges. New speakers all round, Pioneers. And a very funky pioneer sub that sits inside the spare wheel as to not take up space. Haven't wired it in yet. It will be wired into the Raspberry Pi when it's done and I still need an amp. Serious amounts of money spent on kit, but not the right kit lol.
I've also got a new bumper for this car as the
before cut the original bumper and it lookedSHIT
so I've got a nice new one that I still haven't unwrapped yet.So here I'm just removing as much as possible to replace the cam belt and the water pump. Nothing much else going on.
That's the waterpump. It's off but one of the bolts shredded and is now being a bitch to remove
Polibushed Engine Mount
Lovely D1 Spec Oil Catch Can
Uncut front bumper with the JDM fogs
So for those of you who are interested. Here is the Car PC Project.
I'm using a
Raspberry Pi Model B+
, a credit card sized computer that is used for programming on. It's a fully fledged Linux based operating system called Raspbian. It does everything you would expect a normal computer to do, except this only costs Β£35. It also allows you to tap into the boards pins so that you peripherals such as rotary encoders, FM chip models and the likes. This nifty little computer may only run a 500 Mhz clock speed but it can still run full HD videos and play games like quake.I've combined the raspberry pi with a Β£25 GPS device and using 'Andrei's' operating system I've been able to add in an open source satellite navigation program.
The raspberry pi is not capable of RTC (real time clock). When you turn it off, it will boot up with the last known time. Data gleaned from the GPS device on ttyACM0 can be used to update the Pi's real time, and bypass the fake RTC.
Amongst this bag of goodies, and not shown here, is an FM module chip that I've been able to install. As well as using songs already installed on the Pi, I wanted to be able to tune in to FM radio. This breakout board allows me to do just that.
As said two rotary encodes are also plugged into the boards GPIO pins to allow me to turn the volume up and down, and also select songs.
I've been able to extend the USB ports selection from 4 to 11 by using an external USB hub. This will allow you charge multiple devices via usb, as well as plug in memory sticks and play songs/games from that.
Although the not shown here, there is also a web browser should you need to use it.
I've been able to configure the Pi to accept internet connection via your phones connection (tethering). By using preexisting service program, Dhclient, I can get my phone to assign the pi a LocalIP address and start routing internet traffic. This can be used for RSS feeds directly fed into KODI and displayed in the media center.
The sky is literally the limit here, and I'v eonly begun to scratch the surface, you expect more updates as time moves on with this project. Currently limited by a slow clock speed and an ARM processor. It's not yet possible to run a Windows machine on the Pi (not that you would want to, Linux is far superior, lightweight and thus faster). But the Pi 2 is in the Pipeline and will be supported by Windows 10. But I will probably stay with Linux....
It's hard to hold it all together a take a shot. But it basically says Music Programs Shutdown on the right hand side. And Videos Navigation and Radio on the left. The settings is on the bottom and the time is up the top. Bitchin right
If you're interested then watch the video for how it's setup.
Third Update
I stopped focussing on the engine whilst the nasty weather drew in. Instead I replaced the broken seats with some better condition ones. Replaced the horrid steering wheel and got some other bits and pieces
Managed to sort the Waterpump out
This made me laugh as well. As soon as I fitted the cam belt I found out that the water pump came with a gasket! So it all had to come off again just so I could fit it! lol.
Picked up the cylinder head this morning. Had to hike it there and back carrying the bloody thing. 2 miles is a LONG way carrying this heavy mofo! My arms have been dead all day and haven't been able to do any work to it. It's got lots of swarf and shΓt in there so it's going to need some serious elbow grease when I get time.
The head passed the pressure test, not cracked, but was severely warped! The guy says highly unlikely to warp the block and he's confident the bore wouldn't be cracked. So it's literally bang this altogether now and fire it up.
This guy I took the head to! FΓΊck me. He should be retired. Been doing this job for 45 years in his little man cave. And literally, I bet he has never swept up once in his entire life. And that's an understatement of how messy this place was. Literally couldn't find the guy when I walked into this little shed. Over the mountains of engines he had lying about the place. I don't know whether I'd use him again. He's a cracking bloke and certainly knows his stuff, but I can't see him being delicate with my bits.
Money's tied up in some other things atm. Need to get some shΓt sold to work on both the bike and the car. Lots more bits needed for the car whilst its in this state. And I can't fix the bike till the car is on the road lol.
But hopefully this weekend I'll put the head back together and get it ready to go on the car next weekend. Still need braided oil return hoses and a whiteline anti roll bar. And loads of other parts that are just worth getting at this point in time.
Fourth Update
Ha! It really shouldn't be taking this long. I just like taking my time. That said I'm pretty sure this is going to go bang when I fire her up....close now.
Going to be getting some twin pot calipers for this next month. Interior still needs sorting out. So there is still much work to do!
Polybushed the rest of the engine mounts now
Nice Stainless Steel braided oil feed and return
Getting there ^^^^
Spent a good hour or so polishing the cams. The one on the left has been done compared to the one on the right.
But it's a bad photo.
It's almost done. I need a few bits I broke upon disassemble and then I can time the engine up.
I have a nice clear perspex cam belt cover
So will be able to keep an eye on the cam belt.
Few more plans for this before I actually start driving it. But all in good time.
Fifth Update
Well boys and's come to that point in every project where we separate the men from the boys. I've well and truly fucked things up for myself now. And it's that decision that I need to make.
Do I cut my losses and get rid of this useless piece of ****. Or do I press on and persevere. I have no car and no bike. Getting parts to workshops is ridiculously hard without transport. And I just can't do it anymore.
If my DT hadn't have failed I wouldn't be so bothered. But I really don't know anymore. I've got some thinking to do on this one.
The damage I've just done sets me back to where I was in December. And I just know that even if I persevere, press on, keep going, I will only end up messing something else up. And I'll be back to square one again.
It's a lot of money wasted. I mean you're talking a good few thousand on a car I've never driven. But it's going to cost me so much If I keep going. Money doesn't bother me. As far as I'm concerned it was a crash course into car mechanicS. i've learnt a ridiculously large amount for such a brief period of time.
As said I don't know. This car is going on the back burner now. Fck it. I need my bike sorted because the old faithful DT deserves a lot more than to just sit in two boxes doing nothing.
On the plus side I found a nice spot for the oil catch can.
A Few Days Later
Something positive
A good mate of mine asked around and managed to get an engineering firm to open yesterday so the head is not fixed
Good bunch of lads who do this sort of job day in day out. So that was one thing.
But I think I best get my mate to give me a hand. Check all the shims and clearances. I wasn't going to bother but to be fair, I may as well do it properly.
So I'm now back on track to getting this car back on the road. Few more goodies turned up this morning so I can keep cracking on.
Final Update
This update takes us to today!
Cannot absolutely believe the luck I am getting with this car. Absolutely unreal. I bought proper exhaust bolts to tighten the exhaust back up with. Only to have the exhaust stud shear off! GREAT! cylinder will have to come off again, another Β£150 thrown down the drain! I am livid.
But I can't bring myself to waste another brand new headgasket and head bolts. So fck it. I'm either going to take it to a garage and get them to do it or just accept the severe power loss. I need my dt back on the road and this car is the ticket.
Also, got the car 90% there and water** IS STILL PISSING OUT THE THERMOSTAT HOUSING**! That was the whole reason for the tear down. What am I doing wrong! :@
Two words
fuck it
. I'm just going to get it running now. Battery is completely dead and the king lead snapped. Done another oil change today but no more money to be spent on this car this month.Thermostat is still leaking water! So I think it must be cracked. Have ordered another one, along with a new king lead and thermostat so should be all ready to go by the time next week occurs.
Today I fitted my
Slam Panel
. Finishes the front end off a bit better, hids a lot of mess.Might be some light at the end of the tunnel though lads.
I've been having a look at this oil leak. Whilst I haven't fixed it, I have noticed that this engine has actually been forged by a previous own. A job I was going to do anyway, but at a cost of Β£1400 it ain't cheap. Well I believe it's already been done so happy days. Can actually wack the boost up
Car Passed MOT!
Now that the car is actually running, it was nice to get down to the local car meet with a few mates. Even meet some people of the UKSO forum
Bling Bling!
Spent two hours just working on this piece
The dump valve had completely oxidised so I felt that it wanted a nice polish. Yeah it took a while and sorts the rest of the bay out. Still much work to do.
Out enjoying the sun in the GT
Just found the person who owned my car a back in 2011
This was when he purchased it.
Later in his possession, a little worse for wear!
Small update.
So I've had these since christmas just haven't been able to find time to fit it all with everything else that has been going on.
Today I just got sick and tired of looking at the gauges on my window sill and not in the car so today I've gone about fitting them.
These are not the cheaper, mechanical, gauges that you can buy. Instead of piping in the feed from the turbo into the ****pit you take your readings inside the engine bay, and feed an electronic signal back to the gauge. Because of this it is a little more expensive to purchase, but only the best will suffice
I custom fabriacated a little bracket for it to perch from
So that is everything to this car since I've had it. More updates will be coming as soon as I've saved up enough.
A toss up between more
or Cosmetics. I.e. full respray and ducktail spoiler etc etc.... Choices!And probably not mate. Car is currently in bits whilst I uprate a few parts
Well it has been lazer cut and is a perfect finish. But the fit is a little off and I wonder whether this is because my cars bonnet may be slightly warped due to a prehistoric crash....
It's a funky idea. As said I am just modelling it for a trader on the forum. So I didn't pay much for it. Β£25 posted. So as of yet it is a one off.
Again I do have plans for the bonnet that differ from.what it is at the moment.
Aww man, trying to get things done is never easy is it!
So I'm working as fast as I can but it is not an endless bottom put of money, that and I really need to start putting money towards a house, so this is causing things to take their sweet time.
Anyway, rear arm is back with me and is fitted to the car. All poly bushed up and looking sweet. I have also rebuilt the rear brakes and painted everything, so it can all start going back together once I have new pads and discs and a caliper rewind tool lol.
Not much updated on this. Had a new guage holder made up for the interior. The piece is was hand curved to fit the ash tray. Took a few hours to make but looks wicked. Had it powdercoated to finish it off!
Fitted in the car:
Wow, so three months later and I literally haven't done very much at all with this project lmao. I've been telling myself to focus on the bike, I then started the PC project again, so everything else went on the back burner.
To be honest I think it was just the winter months where I cannot be bothered to work on the car.
So today was an absolute MISSION!
Didn't take any photos as it's rather bland, but I needed to redo the solid brake line for the off side rear, as I couldn't get the union undone.
So after much time I've removed the old line and made a new line to replace it. Absolutely horrible job to do led down on the drive in a tiny space. But jobs done.
Car can now be bled, and then legally driven again
But I won't. I've now got the front brakes to upgrade. And the front suspension system to overhaul. Got lots of tasty parts and ideas for the front end that I want to do