@Calum work is 15 plus miles each way i have a car test booked for November 29 but money is tight i have 2.5 k to play with for a bike but also no full bike test as i never bothered i bought a gsxr 750 i rode around on for a year (like an idiot ) but failed my test and didn't retake it i probably will after my car test but for the moment it was between another new rs125 2t for 1200 or a ktm rc125 for 2.5k that i was looking at i was thinking the ktm would be boring and reliable as where the rs would be more fun but a nightmare for being reliable as its 2 stroke ..... but in essence i have ridden a dt to work for the last ten years 30 miles plus a day ... and after it was stolen i bought the rs and have done 2 years on this with just a top end rebuild engine wise and a new carb ....
And the ktm rc 125 has some nice carbon parts and a complete face lift from tyga website google tyga ktm rc125 on google images yea its not verry fast or that pratical but it looks pretty I'm all about that but its over 3 k for the bodykit ...
@stinkwheeler Yeah it's expensive though which is my point. Really you ought to do the car license, spend the money on getting a nice reliable motor and do your bike license later on.
That RC looks the tits though. Suzuki do a new bike as well...
It's the GSXR....125 lmao. -
So i ended up getting a honda veradero 125 v twin for work in the end
a comfortable bike but bloddy slow to 70 and thats it lol ....... bought a few more bits for the dt better coil fork adjusters.. new seat cover .. some r and g wheel bobbins .. next week i will buy the zeel i just purchased a single piece cnc powervalve http://imgur.com/gallery/9m3Ebiu if anyone has had Any experience with them the plan is to bore a cylinder with a liner to 150cc ish wiseco forged piston get the barrel ported by mick and the head re machined and maybe an oring conversion I'm not sure on that one yet pics to follow...
@stinkwheeler My dad had a 125 varadero, think it's aimed at the bigger rider really. Very easy bike to work on but as you said yes, a bit slow but it is only a 125.
Progress has been slow being a new parent takes up so much of your time i never imagined... i decided to take on polishing my cylinder head and barrel before sending it off to mick im just waiting on some dremmel buffers and will polish with autosol to finish will post pics of it finnished but this has taken 3 months of evening with a dremel and wet and dry
@stinkwheeler I feel your pain, I've spent about 4 hours everyday this week polishing my swing arm, I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooo looking forwards to finishing it off and fitting it!!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Well here it is its not perfect by any means but its taken months and i need to press on so i shall ring pjs tomorrow and see what they can do me for I'm after a re line and bored to 140 ish and head and powervalve reworking and a wiseco forged piston
@stinkwheeler Yeah that's bad ass!
@stinkwheeler cylinders nice and all but those purple knives are cleannnnnn!
So i got my fat bars on thanks callum for the recommendation they seem to be spot on although now i need to take it all apart and powdercoat the yokes black im thinking... seat cover ordered new grips and a bar pad ... and i shall continue with getting the engine polished.... http://imgur.com/gallery/xffqfJ6
Just a small update polished the sprocket casing and sent he little guard off for chroming http://imgur.com/gallery/PDycNVf but still waiting on the barrel being bored out ... and parts from america and some handguards from china
... i hate waiting
@stinkwheeler Yeah that looks balla!
@stinkwheeler Extra shiny - looks mint bud!!! :thumbs_up_light_skin_tone:
So still at it zeel is in the post now so rather chuffed just managed to acquire this dt200 3xp swingarm so polishing this at the momenthttp ://imgur.com/gallery/VPLpIo2 and the clutch cover still .... so time consuming but hopefully progress pictures verry soon