Coolant going to the expansion bottle
So the coolant is going from the radiator and into the expansion bottle, ive tried to remove water from the bottle so there is just a little bit left, topped up the radiator, and then i bleeded it. Same thing happens once i put the radiator cap on.
I suspect the headgasket, so i ordered new athena gasket set. But i does not really make sense to me as the bike does not overheat and the water is not hot either.
Bike will overheat, once the coolant has been evaporated.
The other one is faulty radiator cap. It's supposed to handle up to 1.3 bar of pressure. if it cannot maintain this, it will overflow into the expansion bottle.
Either get a new radiator cap, or switch to waterless coolant, which won't expand as much nor cause as much pressure on the system.
I put pressure on it and it just leaked out water and air -
@Calum used this method
If you change the head gasket, skim your cylinder head cause it's likely warped.
This can be done easily at home, get a glass chopping board and put some 1000 grit sandpaper on it, rub the head around it in a figure of 8 motion. If the heads really bad I usually use a oil stone first. Repeat while adding water to the wet and dry paper until whole head surface is even and shiny. Torque the head down, run the bike up to temperature, and then torque it down once again. -
@Calum ordered brand new radiator cap, but i have to wait for at least a week. Would it work to plug the line to the overflow so it does not fill up the bottle, just as a temporary fix?
Or will this cause big problems? -
Pick up a cap from the Scrappy, any car one with the same pressure will work aslong as it has the old style rad cap. You'll pay Penny's for it.