New member
hello matey,i have the same as you as does my son and sometimes find it difficult to engage in normal conversation but i am sure you will be fine here(i just tend to lurk cos i dont have much to contribute!)..check out some of the builds these amazing lads have done to get the jist ,some fantastic bikes and really interesting projects aswell..:thumbs_up:
welcome aboard mate
Welcome my friend
@NINJA that goes without saying, also hello it’s lovely to speak to you after reading so many years worth of posts no doubt I’ll be picking your brain and getting to know you, ps I absolutely love your builds, pretty sure before I even bought a DT I’d saved a photo from one of your bikes dude. Considering how DTR’s are becoming scarce and almost vintage it’s really surprising to see such a strong community and so many owners all doing different things
@bonus as far as Asperger’s go I’m a bit of an anomaly, is I have almost all of the traits of high functioning ASD adhd add etc but I don’t severely lack any of the social or emotional side of things, pretty weird huh?
anytime you want to chat just shoot us a message bro and yeah I have man some of them are insane!! I really love the 80’s YZ style build as well as some of the crazier ones, it’s good to see people being different and pushing boundaries
@mhbikesnbits cheers dude, previous to owning a DTR I built (with help obviously) a 150cc race spec lexmoto adrenaline for a laugh (honestly i joined every Facebook group for the Make/that bike and couldn’t find a more heavily modified one
Eats WR’s and KTM Dukes for under £1500 though
@Calum Cheers my bro! In all honesty I was mostly expect replies saying I’d posted in the wrong section or messed like that or something
I won’t lie the way it organised sometimes kills my ocd but I’ll live. I agree entirely, I must also add very eloquently and articulately put. I’m just glad I’ve found somewhere I can find things out, I never realised the depth of knowledge even down to the smallest detail you can have for one specific bike and the amount of changes made small and slightly significant. It can be a little puzzling with all the different names, codes, part numbers and configuration from different models etc however it gets the brain working and learning
@dtStevie98 sounds interesting any pictures of it to share