Stevie’s French '98, Mid-90's WR/YZ/DT (An idiotproof guide to building your own DTR)
A thrilling read of abbreviations and part codes immortalised forever within the DT125R forum. Complete with a brief compliation of backwards compatible/direct bolt on parts.*
So, my first post (1:52am) this is going to be a personal record and almost blog following me and my journey starts singing don’t stop believin’
with my DTR *this is still only my second post on the forum and I’m using an iPhone so when I work out how to upload photos, I’ll post in chronological order photos from the first time I ever saw the bike online, met it, bought it and everything else in between. It’s worth noting, due to how special this bike is to me I won’t ever part ways with it, so this could be a long one guys! Hopefully we can meet a few people on the way that enjoy, inspire or maybe learn from this journey. I hope for the best.
So to begin with, I have never owned or even properly ridden a two stroke above a chainsaw or 50cc having only ridden four strokes and my own custom built race spec 150cc lexmoto adrenaline.
For that reason owning a DTR is also a massive learning curve in terms of riding, maintenance and even learning the mechanical side of things as well as how two strokes tick.
Secondly, owning this bike is a huge personal achievement for me since I started riding that was the one that I wanted, to a point I had written on my bucket list. Which is why I think this post wether it be for my own use as a timeline might also turn out to be pretty special. See for me, DTR’s are pretty special they’re a name that’s known and synonymous with memories from family members of when they where my age of how they used to steal them, rag them on fields and all the old pub talk deristriction and go faster tricks everyone used to chat about back in the day. Which of course is also follow by said friend/family member saying how “rapid” the DT is whilst simultaneously making this face that’s only ever made when they reminisce what it was like sitting on one for the first time and feeling what a powerband does to a 17 year old teen in the 90’s. DTR’s are a little slice of nostalgia for me of a time when I was a wee wee nipper and all the cars my family had where old transits, nova’s and shit mondeo’s .
Now the reason this bike is so special to me is not only is it something I said to myself I’ll do before I die but also because, I went that extra distance to find a DTR manufactured in ‘98, the year of my birth (it’s actually only 4 months older then me believe it or not). The months and months of continuous searching that led to finally find this bike is something of a journey in itself, especially as I refused to settle for anything less then original and in 5 condition, not asking for much. I would also like to add as I’m only 20, my DTR is singularly the biggest purchase I’ve ever made in my life to date and as anyone that’s ever grown up knows there’s a lot of hard work, determination, perseverance and life’s BS thrown at you on the way to get there. It’s surreal owning it but looking at it is a constant reminder to work hard and that I can achieve whatever I want to. Also given the fact it’s a French import I will be the first named keeper on all its paper work (something that I won’t ever let change). Hopefully you can understand now why this bike is pretty special and significant to me. Current ideas are to build a 90’s MX and 90’s YZ inspired bike and tuning the bike as much as I can whilst keeping its originality and authenticity to the era.
This means using as many OEM parts as possible or parts that would’ve been available back in the day (however a 170 kit, boring out and porting a cylinder or even hunting whatever I need to make it 200cc also seems an option). I’d read here about 32mm TZR dellorto carbs and bits and pieces from wr200’s/DT200’s and DT230 bolt straight on and can give a good boost.
Also because we, England, have such a strong heritage in MX there’s tonns of upgrades available from british manufacturers so I plan to use as many british made parts too, just as a nice little bit patriotism. -
Ha fantastic stuff bud!
I have that fascination too, buying vehicles that are the same age as you.
Unfortuantely, DTRs are still heavily stolen to this day, be sure to keep your motor under lock and key else it WILL Go missing!
I'd avoid the 170 kit personally, you only have to read the reviews on here to understand why.
Looking forward to what you do with this.
Welcome aboard G,
Any questions just ask, like you maybe, I modified my DTR just out of interest in engineering and design.
It's like a test mule for just getting in the shed (with beers) and doing something cool.
Mines a tired and wonkey ol example that's had 1000 previous owners, but with so many great memories of it from buying it at 16, and using it in every possible condition and nearly every day for 3 more years. I'll never sell it on,
I've had many ideas and zero time of late to realise them, hopefully we can at-least tell you what not to do from experience.
Enjoy the journey, and don't spend to much money on it!
Welcome to the forum, I’m doing a Similar project, but I’m doing a 80s style yz build be interested to see you what you come up with
Welcome aboard G,
Any questions just ask, like you maybe, I modified my DTR just out of interest in engineering and design.
It's like a test mule for just getting in the shed (with beers) and doing something cool.
Mines a tired and wonkey ol example that's had 1000 previous owners, but with so many great memories of it from buying it at 16, and using it in every possible condition and nearly every day for 3 more years. I'll never sell it on,
I've had many ideas and zero time of late to realise them, hopefully we can at-least tell you what not to do from experience.
Enjoy the journey, and don't spend to much money on it!
@Darty yo my guy what’s good! It’s really good to finally speak to you I’ve read so much of your shit on here and learned so much, I’m pretty sure between you and what you’ve done is really what made me realise the tuning potential of my bike whilst only using Yamaha made parts and by hunting old parts from other bikes. I’d all also thought you where an older guy rather then similar age to me, it’s good to see someone my age with those skills and crafts. I do love your ability to never really be settled with something and want to keep tinkering or exploring other possibilities, trust me I get that although it’s costly and I do sit back and wonder if I’ll ever be 110% happy
Coming from modifying and owning a lexmoto to the DTR, I do get what you mean about the engineering side of things, I’ve sat and looked at all the little details put into making one, it’s fascinating just seeing all the bits and pieces that are added or used that I’d never seen before but has a specific purpose. Also you’re also doing a lot of things guys twice your age aren’t doing or attempting so massive respect bro, hopefully you get some time soon. Also I never expected such a similar story, sounds like you’ve really took yours to hell and brought it back on more then a few times and had a fuck ton of good memories with it not to mentioned learned a lot. I will without doubt though put keeping the bikes safe no.1 though, tracker gps, multiple locks and always hidden covered/in storage when not being ridden. I could easily go out and buy another DTR, but I won’t ever be able to replace that one though. Also how do you upload pics from iPhone?
Welcome to the forum, I’m doing a Similar project, but I’m doing a 80s style yz build be interested to see you what you come up with
@mhbikesnbits cheers man, I’ve been following your build also, looks proper smart especially the yz490 shock etc
@Darty yo my guy what’s good! It’s really good to finally speak to you I’ve read so much of your shit on here and learned so much, I’m pretty sure between you and what you’ve done is really what made me realise the tuning potential of my bike whilst only using Yamaha made parts and by hunting old parts from other bikes. I’d all also thought you where an older guy rather then similar age to me, it’s good to see someone my age with those skills and crafts. I do love your ability to never really be settled with something and want to keep tinkering or exploring other possibilities, trust me I get that although it’s costly and I do sit back and wonder if I’ll ever be 110% happy
Coming from modifying and owning a lexmoto to the DTR, I do get what you mean about the engineering side of things, I’ve sat and looked at all the little details put into making one, it’s fascinating just seeing all the bits and pieces that are added or used that I’d never seen before but has a specific purpose. Also you’re also doing a lot of things guys twice your age aren’t doing or attempting so massive respect bro, hopefully you get some time soon. Also I never expected such a similar story, sounds like you’ve really took yours to hell and brought it back on more then a few times and had a fuck ton of good memories with it not to mentioned learned a lot. I will without doubt though put keeping the bikes safe no.1 though, tracker gps, multiple locks and always hidden covered/in storage when not being ridden. I could easily go out and buy another DTR, but I won’t ever be able to replace that one though. Also how do you upload pics from iPhone?
@dtStevie98 Thanks man, might seem older, I do remember having Windows 95..., I've only just finished University,
I do it my way I guess, not the first or the last guy to try this stuff, it's good to see more 2stroke heads out there, the old 125 2 stroke scene is dying out with our generation,
I upload with Flickr on the PC, so cant say,
So since my last post I’ve managed to get the bike out a fair few times, enough where the DTR’s starting to really feel like it’s “my bike” so to say. Recently discovered and created a few routes that can get me every end of my village without using the roads as the DVLA still haven’t sent me registration paperwork!
To some of you’s dismay yesterday (considering its head to toe original factory spec, yes full road bike trim) I actually got to ride it for the day at a mx track amongst 85’s and 150 KTM’s and even without knobblies the old spongey floppy girl held her own, (you wouldn’t have even known I was there with the stock pipe until I come whizzing past in second) honestly have a whole new level of respect for the old two smoker even with someone with no past mx experience or two stroke experience. But the best part was the amount of smiles she put on peoples faces. The entire time I was there and riding, rain or shine she didn’t give me one single issue. Say what you like about two strokes but I’m astounded.
This is an up to date purchase list as I haven’t currently made any changes to the bike since it’s import
Replacement oil tank (ya boi stevie was a pilchard and broke the oil tank cap and it worked out cheaper to buy a whole tank then buy a replacement cap)
Renthal 971 Bars silver (90’s YZ spec)
Renthal waffle ultra tacky grips black
Original OEM 1998 YZ250 1/4 throttle body
Apico factory racing twist tube (eBay seller sent me a snapped twist tube ffs)
Roughly a couple million spark plugs, acf 50 and litres of putoline mx5
Depp expansion chamber and silencer
Replacement rear left and right panels (originals have lost their glossy new white shine, are sun faded however still saveable and useable for the future)After a late night and some beers I woke realising I bought a HPires rear fender, (the stock rear fender has the same issue as the side panels except it looks like some Frenchmen got pissed off and started trying to stab holes into it, once again useable but not pristine) I’m still in debate as to how long the HPires will stay on the bike though as I’m not sure it follows the 90’s OEM style I’m after.
After anxiety induced meltdowns and pulling my hair out I finally stopped looking at tyres and gave conclusion that people only mention tyres that have killed them and good reviews are always conflicting. Especially when they’re dirt bikes/dual-sports and even further when you’re trying to find a tyre with a dedicated traditional knobbly pattern, fits your bike and that you won’t need to write a will every time you ride on tarmac. Nonetheless I committed to the lifestyle of pissing off farmers and went and bought a set of knobblies. Stuck between Michelin Starcross 5’s, AC10’s, Metzeler Unicross (the only period correct tyre I could find) and Dunlop’s D952 I decided fuck reviews and keeping the bike period correct for this one.. I need grip and I need tyres I know I can trust to hold me upright just as much in a field as they do on road. So I went and bought a set of Maxxis Maxxcross IT’s 80/100/21-120/100-18 for just under £90. Bargain! With the design of the tread it creates a strong curve profile in the tyre amongst the knobblies which will hopefully increase cornering grip on tarmac.
I also very recently for a grand total of £30 managed to acquire a near brand new 3xp-4bf WR200 air box. Air box duct/boot, boost bottle and everything the whole unit for £30... TAKE MY MONEY!!!I’m not even 100% sure how to make full use of it or what year it is from but I do remember @Darty you used it to for some really good gains
Christ, I never realised a year had gone past. Looking back at my old posts makes me cringe however it’s a bloody good reminder of how much I’ve learned.
Much to my surprise the DT’s still running strong and on the exact same piston etc as the day I got her. I even completed the Essex air ambulance run on it, 140+ miles there and back for charity. Imagine a group ride of around 600-700 bikers and not only the only 125 but also the only 125 two stroke. Oh and to make things that extra bit better the entire journey was on knobbly’sNo f@&ks given, I was going to university shortly after and said if it goes bang it goes bang, May as well send it.
Ended up getting a telling off from pc plod on two wheels as I might’ve accidentally popped the front end up right in front of him not noticing he was there, my uncle right behind me on his Fzr600 was pissing himself.
During the ride there was one lovely chap on his very original pristine 2RK TZR who came up to me however I on the return journey I noticed him turn off very early and head home. I guess he didn’t have he didn’t want to ‘Send It’ or was worried it’d look less then showroom condition for one day
The response I got from all the other riders with me was amazing though there where so many smiles, so many people recognised the old DT and I think where shocked that I was doing that run on the bike. A good few people pulled up beside me whilst I was riding just to have a look or give a thumbs up. I had a 94 FZR 400 (one of my all time favourite bikes) spot me which led to both us exchanging some braps and having a little play. Hands down one of the best riding experiences I’ve had.
As to how she’s still running I don’t actually know, I’ve kept on top of maintenance (not that she’s really needed anything) but she’s ripped through woodlands and trails near enough everytime she’s ridden, races around the local Mx track alongside KTM’s and still been used for the leisurely pop to the shops. To think I used to believe two strokes are unreliable. -
Anyway since I’m a bit more educated nowadays I’ve actually created a rough plan for what it is I want to achieve. The aim to acquire and do as much as I can in one go so I don’t have to take the bike off the road for a long time.
The overall end goal should be a mid 90’s style YZ/DT hybrid. Kinda like what I’ve dubbed “Super DT”. The name isn’t set in stone btw I’d take some funny suggestions. “Moneypit” is also a good name too, considering every OEM part that gets taken off is getting restored and put in the loft.
Anyways...“Super DT”
89-90 YZ forks
92 WR200 forks
87-94 YZ front wheel
19” YZ rim laced to DtR hub x
Apico bar risers x
Fat bars?
1/4 throttle x
Asv levers x
Stock headlight
Apico Magnetic kill switch x
Wr200 3xp top end, cylinder + head
Pipe undecided?
Blue Apico kickstart etc etc
Do I use 3xp bottom end or work with Stock 4BL engine???
Wr200 inlet
V force reeds
Keihin or Mikuni 34/36mm carb
Twin alloy radiators, blue hoses
Lanza air scoop / scoop removal
87-88 YZ bass shock or wr shock
Wr200/1990 YZ Deltabox swingarm
WR delta box repro graphics
Kyoto wavey discsThis gives a rough spec list and should show what I’m aiming for. I’ll aim the parts I already own with a x beside them. Most of the parts on this list I’ve already tracked down and could buy right now, just a case of working out what my best options are and what complications I’ll run into.
Initially I’d planned to tune a “p” barrel and cylinder head and run that but I know even if did given the fact there’s still potential to put a 200 I’d only end up doing that later on anyway
Go big or go home right? 35hp is the aim. -
This is will make for a very interesting project!
Looking forward to seeing how this plans out!
@Calum thank you dude! I owe so much of what I know to this forum and the people that have a passion for these old bikes! What’s mad is how now I’m actually in a position to help some people now. I once stopped my mate destroying his top end once because I remembered something about the stroke difference on the 3mb/3bn crank and cylinder. That was fun. I’ve caught numerous people out that have made out like they where Rossi’s personal bike mechanic and corrected so many people on all the yam/DT/tzr Facebook groups and revealed so called “secrets” when someone won’t reveal what they’ve done or how they did it because they want to be better then other people. Pathetic petty behaviour. Helpful at times and some good people I must admit but different atmosphere. You don’t get the sense of appreciation for the bikes and the history. Anyway enough with Facebook dick measuring contests....
Whilst all of my family are mechanics, I however am not. Not to mention they’re messy with bad work ethic. Everything I do I’m learning as I go or the things I did with my old bike. I bought a £25 tool kit wrap from Halfords purely out of chance because it was the only one that had 17mm included with it and because when I started university some little shit robbed my 17mm socket and extension I’d left right next to my bike inside the bike shed (which confused the fuck out of me because no one else’s bike even used a 17mm, crackhead antics) As much as coincidence is it was that bought it, it also happens to carry every single tool I could possibly need for my bike and the rest. Mini volt tester, box cutter, brass wire brush, repair kits, ratchets for every screw and Allen key fitment you could need with space to chuck a couple of your own tools. Conveniently neatly zipped away in something about 3/4 the size of your average laptop. Perfect for in the back pack or long risky ride, for anyone who might read this I highly recommend. Having the proper correct fitment for the various sized screws etc had saved me so many bolts that I admit I probably would’ve rounded.
Current things I’m trying to figure out with project are best options for forks, I haven’t bought the yz front wheel so the set up for the front end could be whatever however I’d try to make it as easily compatible with stock DT rims and WR 17” sumo wheels. Not a lot to ask for I know... But now that I think about it, I’m planning on keeping it forever, why not try make it as backwards compatible and functional as possible.
I’m also deciding on what swingarm, I have an offer from a guy on eBay that still stands for a really good condition wr200 deltabox for only £65 posted. He’s convinced it’s for a YZ bless him. He said he bought it for a DT got told it needed work to fit it and ended up selling the bike. If only he’d used google and found this forum
. I’d like it, especially at that price and because it’s something of a little bit later year then most but finding rear brake components has been hard.
I also have an offer for 91 YZ swingarm (I prefer the design slightly) noticed that 1991 YZ swingarm also shares the same 3SP stamp as the WR Deltabox which is how I think our friend from earlier got confused. I just made the assumption that it’s because they where different but shared something in common like shock linkage so they’d bolt on to DtR without many problems. Another upside to buying a pre 93 YZ swingarm is theres an array of aftermarket parts still and I found original parts no where near as hard as the WR. From what I’ve seen The YZ range developed massively from 87-94 and yet somehow didn’t. Lots of bits and pieces bolt on to other bikes relatively easily.
Also how to attach images? -
Update as well as a top tip. ‘88/89-91 YZ swingarms share hardware. Top tip for never paying £50 for a nos chain slider etc. They also some after market support.
I found an old MX review of the 1991 YZ and I’m pretty share they said the yz had an update with shock linkages. Luckily Yamaha changed swingarm designs from 93 onwards WR200 Deltabox swingarms and upon appearance It’s identical, using the same 3SP stamps and everything, something I noticed on all of the early alloy and Deltabox swingarms.
Anyways, 93- onwards Deltabox bought. Will take pictures when it arrives
Unfortunately though it’s missing all its hardware. I’m going to need a rear chain guide and plate that covers the brake. I still need a rear brake though, I asked the guy with the ‘91 YZ swingarm if he had the hardware for it and rear brake setup as I noticed he was also selling two complete 89 and 91 yz125’s. It turned out in has garage he had the oem chain slider and complete nissin rear brake assembly. It was in a little bit of a sorry state but not completely unusable and also a really cheap price.
All the WR200 brake units I’ve seen look like they’ve spent their life underwater, want importing from America and are asking around £150 with shipping if it’s in good condition. No thank you. So the assumption is similar/identical design and hardware wheres going to be the problem in also using the yz brake? If I’m saving £130 in the process I think that sounds rather reasonable
Now onto the next thing for the build, rear shock... I’m tired of my DTR having a saggy bum and I don’t like it if you hit a jump too. The rear end being so soft has a tendency to make the bike nose dive horrifically.))) -
Update as well as a top tip. ‘88/89-91 YZ swingarms share hardware. Top tip for never paying £50 for a nos chain slider etc. They also some after market support.
I found an old MX review of the 1991 YZ and I’m pretty share they said the yz had an update with shock linkages. Luckily Yamaha changed swingarm designs from 93 onwards WR200 Deltabox swingarms and upon appearance It’s identical, using the same 3SP stamps and everything, something I noticed on all of the early alloy and Deltabox swingarms.
Anyways, 93- onwards Deltabox bought. Will take pictures when it arrives
Unfortunately though it’s missing all its hardware. I’m going to need a rear chain guide and plate that covers the brake. I still need a rear brake though, I asked the guy with the ‘91 YZ swingarm if he had the hardware for it and rear brake setup as I noticed he was also selling two complete 89 and 91 yz125’s. It turned out in has garage he had the oem chain slider and complete nissin rear brake assembly. It was in a little bit of a sorry state but not completely unusable and also a really cheap price.
All the WR200 brake units I’ve seen look like they’ve spent their life underwater, want importing from America and are asking around £150 with shipping if it’s in good condition. No thank you. So the assumption is similar/identical design and hardware wheres going to be the problem in also using the yz brake? If I’m saving £130 in the process I think that sounds rather reasonable
Now onto the next thing for the build, rear shock... I’m tired of my DTR having a saggy bum and I don’t like it if you hit a jump too. The rear end being so soft has a tendency to make the bike nose dive horrifically.)))@Stevie-Wonder You’re insane dude, re-post the pics so I can debunk the parts you have,
Then we can go through what works and what doesn't for the rest of the forum to read,
A thrilling read of abbreviations and part codes immortalised forever within the DT125R forum.
Infact, there is your new project name bud
If you need any DT200WR based help or advice I have mine sat in the garage along with a genuine workshop manual
I'm keeping busy during the lock down with work (yawn) and stripping my Belgarda TDR125 3SH down which means I can also help with DTR stuff simultaneously with the 3SH basically being a DTR in drag.
Regarding the rear shock, I've just picked up one of those YSS ones for the TDR for £195 delivered and it appears to be very well made - after I priced up the lower bush for the Paioli rear shock (same as DT) and powder coating the spring etc buying new seemed sensible.
You probably know this already but Fowlers, CMSNL and ebay Europe are good sources of parts for older Yamahas but just watch the prices....£80 for 2 Belgarda fork boots = ouch!
Okay so I’ve been having major issues embedding photos from my Flickr, I’ve tried everything and have nearly give up. The only thing that’ll work is directly uploading them my laptop which is a major pain in the ass when all the photos are on my phone, I also don’t think it masks any geotag data either.
Anyway, my plans initially where to run a WR200 front end. It seemed like a good idea. It would give me nice new shiny USD forks not to mention fitting the ignition barrel or original clocks wouldn’t be such a hassle as I could just use the WR200 speedo drive. There’s also the added backwards compatibility factor of being able to still use the stock DT wheel later on if I wanted for when I return her to stock form or if I wanted to return her to stock or just experiment with different setups. Perfect because as much as I love my knobbly’s tyres my favourite looking and riding setup to date is still 21-18 with a decent set of road tyres. Agile, fast and perfect for hauling ass on the road and light trails, just as Yamaha intended. Definitely how I’d return her in the future.
So yeah using the WR200 front end just made sense really, I wasn’t going to use the DT front wheel with the YZ rear so had already been looking at replacement options. The DT front wouldn’t do as I don’t want to ruin them and the chrome clashes with the silver rim on the rear. So upgrades in terms of weight saving would be a bonus too. However.... no forks could be found for less then £180. They where all in foreign country’s and that price was before postage or import tax’s/customs nor did it also include the matching front calliper I might need or the front wheel.
I can’t warrant the cost, a set of forks and everything else would eventually cost me £350+.This leads me to issue I’m starting to face And would to talk about, one that I’m sure many of us have faced. Cost, Condition and Availability. See I’m not the most patient of person and very rarely are we blessed enough to have all three so sometimes sacrifices must be made.
However it’s not all sacrifices though...
I got chatting to a geezer about some YZ parts and had stroke of when luck when I told about my project and he said had an entire front end from a 2002 YZ 125.
He was a nice bloke and gave me a very very reasonable offer on the lot. I also have a set of black hi rise renthal fatbars and orange anodised conversion clamps that where left over from my last bike I built, I’d been meaning to sell them for ages and never got around to it and now it seems I’m glad I didn’t, they might just come in handy.
I really had planned to keep everything period correct, however like I mentioned above the issue is you could spend years searching for any part you need or better still sacrifice your monthly wage to afford it and that’s always something in the bike of my mind.
With that being said the fact they’re a few years older then I’d like isn’t such a bad thing. Here’s why, getting the whole front end together saves me a whole load of time. Being from an ‘02 it means there’s a ton of aftermarket support for literally everything (you won’t be catching me paying £70 for a used fork guard anytime soon). A little birdy reckons the ‘92 Kayaba’s where some the worst ever produced and last but not least, stopping power.
Until I had the opportunity to buy the ‘02 front end I never really gave how I planned to stop much of a thought, then I thought about it and remembered the time me and a friend where out racing each other. Come around the bend towards the T Junction with no traffic our end, lights are green we’re racing onward and then the lights change. My friend managed make it to stop luckily. Unfortunately I didn’t, the rear locked up completely and the front end just dived and did nothing, sending me hurtling towards oncoming traffic and in front of Transit pulling out of the junction. My mate said he thought I was almost about to die. He still comments about how long the trail of tyre smoke was. Deadly stuff. -
Hello guys how is everyone! I hope everyone’s been keeping well
I’d been meaning to update this for a while but I’m saving it, hopefully there might be a big load of progress made however for now I’ve just been enjoying the bike and the weather
So for a while when I came bike from uni I’d had what seems to be a common problem of my bike randomly deciding to stop being able to rev out past 8k for no reason what so ever
It’d stumped many people, caused me to think my engine was on the way out and all sorts of things.
I decided to get the exhaust off align the valve and pin it, problem solved it’s revs out freely. I really enjoy riding my bike pinned in the right scenario however the only issue I’ve found is that past the 8.5-9k you get the worst throttle chop I’ve ever experienced. The throttle is still very responsive but under load at high rpm’s it’s like it revs backs off automatically and then will come back on whilst maintaining throttle position, this is the case even when just slowly rolling on the throttle with the RPM’s. I have wondered if the fact I’ve got a YZ 250 1/4 throttle and I’m still using the stock throttle cable which doesn’t fit 100% with the throttle because I still want to run the oil pump. *** on that note what’s a really good 1/4 throttle that’d solve that *** I’ve also noticed whenever I’ve had smaller sprockets on and pulled harder in low gears that the throttle chop effects often worse. So whilst pinning the valve has solved a problem it’s just kinda created a couple more for me but I’ll touch more on that later.
Whilst it’s certainly very choppy at times it’s still very very fun for popping the clutch. Another thing yes she wheelies. I’ve checked my piston and rings and whilst they’re worn and the dome of the piston represents the texture of sandpaper it’s really nothing horrendous. She still makes power, starts first kick and idles just above 1.1-1.2k. All the boys with WR’s still try giving it the pub talk about two strokes which just adds to the satisfaction of owning a two stroke that’s already done 10’000 miles in a year and is still going strong
I could only imagine now what this would be like without this issue unless it’s just a drawback of pinning a DT wide open?
I wish there was a way the get all the benefits of the low down torque The DT is capable of producing and still feel that sudden sharp hit of power after 7k. It’s definitely enlightened me more about why you guys like your custom ignitions so much and why the YPVS is such a good system. Here’s why...
(Whilst on my off-road trail riding shenanigans I come across a rather sharp 45-50 degree incline, 10-15 feet high and quite long, your run up is a straight and a sharp left the bumpy path that’s the same width as your bike and that’s been cut out through a thick hedge of nettles Brambles and everything else you don’t want to fall into. 110% full send it. Now this is the moment I understood how much torque the DT is capable of. I’d took a couple “bitch runs” as they’re called if you bmx or skate and soon realised as my powervalve pinned I’ve not got enough room to rip through the straight and make a hard left as not only is there not a lot of space to turn you’re also automatically on the incline so there’s not enough room to carry moment through and hold it wide open in powerband and you can just clutch in and rip it because it’s to tight, you’d wash out. Being so steep you couldn’t just sit straight up launch up it either or you’d just bog. Still I like the challenge, I said fuck it flipped the valve so it was the opposite of pinned and if she went. Pulled straight up like it was easy without even hitting the 8k Rev limit it’d have with powervalve set like that. I don’t know many other two strokes capable of that. ) This brings me to another thing... having experienced and messed about with the YPVS system a lot recently are there any of you that think it doesn’t work to it’s fullest potential? I’m just curious if there’s someone who understand two strokes better then I do as there’s maybe a reason it doesn’t completely open and close.
.This now brings me to my final thing that could make all of the above irrelevant. As mentioned I’ve spent hours now fiddling with the YPVS, I even thought the valve magically flipped 180 degrees by itself. Here’s the thing though with my exhaust off and the powervalve aligned flush the black plastic cable carrier is as far left from the aligning hole it can go, practically touching the 5mm Allen bolt that holds the casing. This means that the cleaning cycle would go left right but when valve would be aligned with the aligning hole it’s mean it’s closed which in my opinion doesn’t make any sense? The only way I can get it to align like that is by tightening the right cable as far as I can without it whilst loosening of the left as much as possible If memory serves me right this is meant to be the other way way around where the hole being aligned means your valves indicates as being flush
I’d found photos of how it was originally set up and it was completely the opposite from how I’d have to set it up now for it to be textbook “correct” and that’s what gave me the issue of it not revving past 8k.I’m just really stumped as to what’s caused this to happen or is causing this
I’d really like to get YPVS running again as I’ve tucked the switch for it just behind my tank so whenever I want to disconnect it for some fun with it pinned at a moment’s notice I can but still enjoy everything about the ypvs that makes it so good and what makes the DT pull very quick in those lower rpms. It’s also helpful it’s much quieter
Once again thanks in advance and sorry for the massive essays hope you enjoy. I hope everyone has been in good health and been able to take their bikes out at least a couple times whilst the weathers been nice and if you haven’t then I hope you’ve made progress with any projects you’re working on. Hopefully they’ll be some exciting stuff here soon...
I recently picked up a 1997 Suzuki RM80 that I’ve been having some fun restoring and rebuilding I could make a thread on if anyone’s interested