No spark!
Okay, looks like the problem is the ignition coil when I remove the wire and kick the bike it shocks me yet when I connect it back up the plug still doesn’t spark I already have one on order so I’ll update when I’ve fitted it...(edit- by remove the wire I mean the direct feed from the cdi to the ignition
@declan The ones to the coil would be the first place I would look. Then check any other wires associated with the ignition system. I suspect that you have something either not connected correctly or an earth is failing? Scrape some paint off underneath the ground eyelets to ensure that you have a good earth, as a bad earth will cause a short circuit and give you problems.
From experience the earths are prone to fail on old looms, check continuity using your multimeter from various places. Have you unwrapped the loom around coil area? Definitely worth checking, look through my red bike posts and you will see I had to renew earth from that area. Earth cable oxidised internally and started intermittently failing and quickly failed altogether .